Good Bye Wow

I have become very disturbed by the recent changes on many levels. Some may consider me a "Conspiracy Nut" for the reasons I have chosen. For those people I challenge them to look up what the True RealID is supposed to be. I will miss the game, but in light of the post made by

Mike Morhaime World of Warcraft - English (NA) Forums -> Regarding real names in forums Read carefully and in his "Lawyer Speak" you will see he says
I'd like to take some time to speak with all of you regarding our desire to make the Blizzard forums a better place for players to discuss our games. We've been constantly monitoring the feedback you've given us, as well as internally discussing your concerns about the use of real names on our forums. As a result of those discussions, we've decided at this time that real names will not be required for posting on official Blizzard forums.
. As you can see, it is just a deliberate lie to cool people off so it can be implemented at a later date. My response to them was to finally click that cancel button and respond with a piece of my mind...


I don't expect positive feedback. Just wanted to help open a few eyes hopefully.

Thanks for the great site Drayner! I wish you all the best of luck!

Edit: Corrected Typo's for those with all A's in Grammar and added links to the RealID
K, don't post on the forums? =D
i saw the RealID dealio on CNN news.

anyone remember when people used real email ID's on Ebay. it caused massive problems with people harassing, gathering and selling the addresses, etc. long story short, Ebay stopped use of emails as ID's and made anyone who has them change them
shanker said:
i saw the RealID dealio on CNN news.

anyone remember when people used real email ID's on Ebay. it caused massive problems with people harassing, gathering and selling the addresses, etc. long story short, Ebay stopped use of emails as ID's and made anyone who has them change them

I never knew they did that on Ebay, that is intresting to know!

I added links to the main post for what I'm getting at. I'm going to add them here as well :

Real Nightmare

REAL ID Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
NWO, ololololol

oh god guys have you seen Zeitgeist? THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE MAN
Subpar said:
NWO, ololololol

oh god guys have you seen Zeitgeist? THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE MAN

Zeitgeist is propaganda, It's funny...the same people who laughed at me a year ago when I showed them the facts have seen those things come to pass and no longer laugh. Ignorance is bliss my friend.
So much has changed since the simple Bloodlust days.. Eh Fearthelock? You will be missed, was fun playing with you the short time we played together. Take care.
Duckhunt said:
So much has changed since the simple Bloodlust days.. Eh Fearthelock? You will be missed, was fun playing with you the short time we played together. Take care.

Sho nuff was Duck! Glad to see a familiar name! Take care.

If you see him...Tell Grotto I said later as well =D
don't mind the op, hes just paranoid and quitting wow because blizzard has added the option to let people see his real name (only if he wants them to).
fearthelock said:
I have become very disturbed by the recent changes on many levels. Some may consider me a "Conspiracy Nut" for the reasons I have chosen. For those people I challenge them to look up what the True RealID is supposed to be. I will miss the game, but in light of the post made by

Mike Morhaime World of Warcraft - English (NA) Forums -> Regarding real names in forums Read carefully and in his "Lawyer Speak" you will see he says . As you can see, it is just a deliberate lie to cool people off so it can be implemented at a later date. My response to them was to finally click that cancel button and respond with a piece of my mind...


I don't expect positive feedback. Just wanted to help open a few eyes hopefully.

Thanks for the great site Drayner! I wish you all the best of luck!

Edit: Corrected Typo's for those with all A's in Grammar and added links to the RealID

Real Nightmare

REAL ID Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
troll xxxx
Nype said:
May I ask what the fuck you are on about ?

troll xxxx

Peoples ability to grasp the obvious will never cease to amaze me...maybe I should be glad I left before I become as brain dead.

don't mind the op, hes just paranoid and quitting wow because blizzard has added the option to let people see his real name (only if he wants them to).

Paranoid...I guess slightly. I call it living in reality and not taking peoples words at face value since history shows it should not be (Just look at Presidential promises at every election). Now even gaming has took the turn of using the same political techniques in order to push through their agendas. How many things has Blizzard said they would not implement and within a year or even less have gone back on their word? I know enough of those things have been posted here on the main page for it not to be common knowledge. Anyways I know for the most part I'm speaking on deaf ears. Thanks for sharing the knowledge of the best part of the game everyone!


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