Goldenclaw's thread of seeking f2p players for challenge mode

Challenge mode on a f2p is going up against a random band of L24 retards and winning.

How is this possible you ask?

The answer is...winning with teamwork, coordination, communication, and strategy.

Example strategies include...waiting for enemy flag carrier to get to flag room and ganking him as he is unprotected and about to cap, peeling healers to force separation to achieve a kill...

Those strategies are FREE all you need to do is act now and for a limited time you will.... :p

So, for the most part, just looking for some people who'd like to group queue on f2p. I'll group us on my main account. I actually don't care if you are L24, just looking to take advantage of the 1 min queue times on Horde side.

You can email me or add me if you have a paid account goldenclaw#1119


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