Going for the Ambassador Title? Read this

With the XP toggle coming up a lot of people have been planning to get their Ambassador title. Or at least they said they would get it, but how many did actually do any research in order to see if they could obtain it?

I know a lot of people will start questing in the next patch for the ambassador title and "XX- Quests Done" achievements. So don't let me stop you from getting at least the quest achievements.

From 0/3000 neutral til exalted there are 42,000 (correct me if I'm wrong) rep points required to earn for each faction and @ lvl 1 most races starts between 0/3000-3000/6000 with each faction. So what I did was to calculate the reputation you could gain by looking through quests from 1-19 and getting the total number.

I only did this for horde as I am a horde and I really think it's more or less the same amount of reputation from 1-19 available for alliance as well.

My result was like this;

Thunder Bluff - 12956

Silvermoon City - 12924

Darkspear Trolls - 11071

Orgrimmar - 13962

Undercity - 14526

Remember you've probably done some of these quests already!!

I do believe I missed out a quest or two and maybe added a little rep too much here and there, but still I do not believe I missed out 30k of rep. I don't claim that the title is impossible to get, cuz it's not, but this is the result I got and I believe it would take several years by doing event quests to get the title.

Correct me if you see any mistakes. All I tried was to prove that you can/cannot get the ambassador title even though you do all the quests.

I don't have a number over how many quests I calculated with, however all quests does not award reputation.

EDIT: In order to get the last rep you can do "Chen's Empty Keg" over and over again. I'm not sure if there is a similiar quest for alliance, but I do remember there is one "redoable" quest for alliance that boosts IF rep.
I know you can't get it over in a week or so, which is frustrating, but like you said, it will take years with events, now imo, its worth it. Your already the first lvl 1 with the Diplomat. That's epic. Now if you get lvl 1 Ambassador, even if it takes a long time, its worth it because no one else will have it.
I really doubt I'll be able to get this on lvl 1. It's not really much lvl 1 quests out there and WoW won't exist by the time I've done enough once a year quests for the ambassador title.

EDIT: Currently I don't play anymore, but I think I'll be back around brewfest, hell yeah I will do quests and during the elder event I did as many of those event quests just to have a little more rep than what is normal at level 1, but still I don't think I'll ever hit honored.
Nice research you did mate, I'm working on the alliance rep gains myself but already felt this coming... too bad but at least there won't be another easy-to-get title.
Yeah thanks, well easy earn titles are never spectacular.

Off topic, but I'm just wondering if you ride a 2 seater, does mob still attack you?. Since exp toggle is coming soon I would like to know how eaz mode it is with a 2 seater.
Yes mobs do still attack you, but if they are melee mobs it really isn't a problem, due to the mount going faster than the mob, but with ranged it kinda stinks
gogo chen's keg x [insert large # here]
Of course it's going to take a long time,

you just need to put in effort and dedication.

I personally would not do it, as I am lazy.
brb, looking for a bot

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