If you're going to faction change be aware that tranq cloak is horde only, ally cant wear it even after Xfer. Remember to get grizzled boots, dawnblade, sylvanas. Some people like agility for premades. It tends to come in more handy inside, after debuffs imo when you're forced to bear anyway. Agi gives shed loads of dodge to druid and if you can use this well then you're set. However i only really tend to gear for agi after debuff, before it focus more on stam and int. the items to swap for more agi are: thick bronze>wsg neck, smelting>fang, 4/4eagle gloves>4/4monkey, Toughened leather tunic>BDA, tranq cape> sentry cape and after you've used up the mana on your dawnblade, and you have little availible time OSFR to regen mana you can use rhank'zors hammer or WSG staff with 25agi on.