Godly FC /Tank

Can anyone tell me the class / gear / spec i would need to create the most overpowered tank possible? list cross-faction gear, im willing to swap to make this happen, was thinking druid just dishing out stam like crazy, but, idk

thick bronze

wg boa leather shoulder

tranq cloak

13stam leather chest

5stam bracers


medicine pouch

4/4 eagle/monkey gloves

girdle of the blindwatcher

smelting pants

feet of the fang

seal of sylvannas

blood ring

2x agm

should be most stam right there, but you don't need to faction change (horde)

but most stam =/= mostly godly w/e, and you gear could all be perfect but if you can't play well it won't do much (most noticeable on a fc)
dont forget int. if you cant shift, it doesnt matter how much stam you stack, you will die.

optional peices:

scouts medalion~ 6 agi is woth more than 1 stam, you get armor and dodge.

Scouting trousers of the monkey/eagle~ 10 useable stats plus a bit more armor than smelting through the +40 armor leg kit.

Scouting gloves of the monkey/eagle~ throw a +40 armor kit on these as well, may help more than agi.

optional cloak chant: +70 armor. jsut buy another cloak and give it the different chant, switch as you see fit.

keep a pair of fang boots with minor speed. inches matter, even between shifts. switch to trailblazers with +stam when debuff hits.

keep the seal, if you're not going to transfer for seal of wrynn keep a lavishly jeweled ring(if you need more int), ring of defense(reduces alot of incoming damage), and a 3/3 viridian band of the eagle(more stats than blood ring) in your bag.

Thats bout it.
Tank and fc mean two different things to me. A defensive stance warrior in full BiS stam and someone to heal him would be pretty tough to take down. It would have about 55% physical damage reduction and 2100-2200 HP.

The BiS for a druid fc is actually a little more int/healing based.
If you're going to faction change be aware that tranq cloak is horde only, ally cant wear it even after Xfer. Remember to get grizzled boots, dawnblade, sylvanas. Some people like agility for premades. It tends to come in more handy inside, after debuffs imo when you're forced to bear anyway. Agi gives shed loads of dodge to druid and if you can use this well then you're set. However i only really tend to gear for agi after debuff, before it focus more on stam and int. the items to swap for more agi are: thick bronze>wsg neck, smelting>fang, 4/4eagle gloves>4/4monkey, Toughened leather tunic>BDA, tranq cape> sentry cape and after you've used up the mana on your dawnblade, and you have little availible time OSFR to regen mana you can use rhank'zors hammer or WSG staff with 25agi on.
for regening purposes i'd much rather keep my medicine pouch on and have 22int on another stam weapon (4stam sword, something similar)
Thanks for the replys so far, looks like i could hit 2.2k unbuffed easy on a druid

But let me rephrase the question to see if i get anything else

"Hardest to take down and the most annoying thing possible"
Druids are hard to take down just becuase they can't be snared and can run fast but if you mean hardest to take down while standing in one place and letting a single hunter unload on you that would probably go to either pally or warrior. Probably Pally becuase of the self heals with all the armor. Druid has to switch forms to heal and is succeptible during big heals. Warrior has the most physical damage reduction but can't heal so by itself standing in one place I think a pally would be the hardest class to take down by a hunter.
there is no single gear set that makes you uber, you're going to have multiple sets that when used properly may make you "ungodly", assuming you can also make half the jumps painaid can do.
Holy pallys are the hardest solo class to take down. If your going for speed and can get heals put on you druids your best bet or shammy if you learn your jumps well. Warriors cannot solo FR well enough now to be a good option.

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