Goblin time! Warriors rise!


Rocket Jump

Probably well worth the race change $. A 25 yd. instant move . . . like Blink with a 2 min CD. All of you warriors, just think how this ability could change your life. I am /jumpforjoy

You'll have heaps more fun with rocketjump than the worken sprint so it would be the way to go for me.

it'll be nerfed. but waste your money anyways
yes for everyone lol. but warriors in specific really needed this. now best warrior race imo.
both worgen sprint and goblin jump racials are OP for the bracket.

the goblin racial seems to be playing out best since it is like a blink, and unstoppible....where as worgens when in sprint can be slowed, stunned, feared, etc

it near the same as a DK's death grip at 55-59
It helps, but, I have a feeling it's not going to be all we hoped for. It gets you there..........almost. More often than not, you're still outside of melee range vs a competent opponent. It doesn't get you any rage, so that's going to be a problem if you jump and can't get rager to PH immediately. Still testing it, but, early results still favor Nelf.
I wasn't comparing it to charge, I compared it to Blink lol. It can get us out of those "kite" situations you mentioned a long time ago in a galaxy far away.

Clickplease said:
I wasn't comparing it to charge, I compared it to Blink lol. It can get us out of those "kite" situations you mentioned a long time ago in a galaxy far away.


Yes, I agree that it's better as an escape ability since that's all warriors do nowadays...........run away.

Many people are touting the ability as a distance closer and it's not really good for that.
ceruleus said:
does anyone know if this racial scales to level? I was just talking to someone who said they rolled a goblin and the jump was only like 5 feet...

I don't think it scales.

Ever tried Disengage'ing uphill? you'd only get like 5 feet there aswell, and doing it down a slope would get you 10x as far.

So it depends alot on the situation and i think, not sure tho, that you'd rocketjump further if you hit the spacebutton before and activate the rockets in mid-air.
AkAPatriot said:
I don't think it scales.

Ever tried Disengage'ing uphill? you'd only get like 5 feet there aswell, and doing it down a slope would get you 10x as far.

So it depends alot on the situation and i think, not sure tho, that you'd rocketjump further if you hit the spacebutton before and activate the rockets in mid-air.

does that mean that technically if ur on flat ground and u jump before disengage you'll go slightly farther?
does that mean that technically if ur on flat ground and u jump before disengage you'll go slightly farther?

Aye; is what i do on my hunter; and it sure does feel like im going back further than i normaly would do
Ceruleus, no this does not scale with level. To achieve best results with rocket jump, its best to do it from High elevation to low elevation. It also helps to jump before using the boost for that extra distance.

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