Gnomish DeathRay crit (sup cpt?)

TLA4lyf said:
Too bad death rays are frowned upon by all the good players/guilds.

Not to be rude, but can you show me a link to ANY forum discussion/etc about this? Everyone Ive talked to has been fine with it.

Also, lol@"all the good players/guilds"
I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just saying that a trinket that 1 shots people is generally frowned upon, especially considering its usually alliance only.

Even now that it's not alliance only, its just stupid anyways. Lightning generator is frowned upon in 60's for the same reason. It's the same reason sappers are a no go in games. Stupid skilless burst just isnt fun, so people generally dont use it.
TLA is frowned upon...CORPSEMAKER > TLA!!!!! :p

yea that deathray can be brutal but people in Detox use it (Soopermanjr the "best" mage) so why shouldnt we?
1st of all tla 4 lyf!!!!! CM is for bads, everyone knows faster weaps are better for the spell pushback.

2nd of all, I've never seen sooper use it. The only baddie I've ever seen use it on alliance is chimpokomon, and everyone laughs at that guy for being terrible.
Cptheal said:
he used it in arena...

and TLA is for bads. everyone knows higher top end is better for best burst

Eh, no one on reckoning cares about arena anyways.

As for tla v CM, tla is obviously better. Its faster for pushback, and it has more deeps! Tla 4 lyf yo!
I think the debate is......AMAZING....WHO HAS THE BEST DEEPS!!!!? seriously tho it doesn't make a difference because in the tla vs whatever debate....each side claims they win.....its like palin claiming her VP candicacy was a win.....while everyone else thought it was a fail.
Ugarak said:

Ok, Im sorry. Im not usually a grammar nazi, especially on the internet. But fail isnt normally a noun. Why the hell do people keep saying "a fail", Jesus Christ.

Nobody says "lol u failured at that", its the same idea.
Indeed, for it to be correct he would have had to say "a failed _____" not 'a fail' but doesn't really matter, stupid shit like that used to piss me off...but im over it :3 I absolutely HATED it when people said QQ in their sentances, for me it was always a reply to someones whining and telling them basically the shut the fuck up and get over it, but when people said "ahh I got killed, QQ" I went nuts -.- That's not how its supposed to be used imho
TLA4lyf said:
Eh, no one on reckoning cares about arena anyways.

As for tla v CM, tla is obviously better. Its faster for pushback, and it has more deeps! Tla 4 lyf yo!

Dont be jealous of my 1337 deeps

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