Gnome Arena Master Trick?

I have found the easiest way to perfectly position yourself inside of the chest is being in ghost form and waiting for the chest to spawn. As long as part of your body is inside of the chest, then you can reposition to be completely hidden before spawning.

people really tend to forget(I think?) that your name still pops out above the chest. You’re really not that “hidden”, and I’m really not a genius.
Having gotten 2 AGMS now on 2 seperate gnomes, you can indeed fit completely inside of the chest and the only thing visible to those around you will be your nameplate and the chest opening aura. you can still be tab targeted and meleed, or AoE'd, but I have definitely ninja'd a few during fights by being a ghost when the chest is placed and rezzing inside of it
This was an old trick back on private servers, were a gnome was actually LoS (untouchable to physical/spell dmg) if you got the chest to spawn directly ontop of you. However this is not the case in classic, you are able to be target hit while inside chest. AoE, Pets, and some spell casts, EI mage arcane barrage. to list a few can all hit you on classic client while inside chest, so at the end of the day I think it acts more like a bush, that your hiding in hoping not to be hit / targeted.

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