Glyph of PW:S or Renew?

Glyph of Power Word: Shield or Renew?

  • PW:S

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Renew

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Your math is a little off. The renew glyph also increases total healing by 5% (length of HOT, and hence amount healed, reduced by 3/15, or 20%. Each remaining tick increased by 25%, so 5% increased healing overall). Wow, 5% I hear you say, and yes that may only increase your total heal by 20-30 hp. But don't forget your HPS of renew increases by 25%. That is why it is a good glyph.

Then there is the dispel glyph. Sure free heals for FC, and when carrying a nice total health, very worthwhile. But for the dispels on those with more "normal" health pools, it isn't so impressive. And damage isn't percent based. So would you take a dispel heal of 45-50, or 25% hps? What if your target doesn't have any dispellable debuffs, your renew hps is gimped by 20%. What if you're on offensive dispelling? Then your glyph is worth squat.

So not so black and white, unless you're a niche FC dispel spammer. Then yes, you are correct, it is the best :)
Guys, I was freaking /sarcasm, I got the Dispel equipped on my priest the whole time he's 29, I just wanna try something I got in my head and need to know which one of these glyphs to choose.
Wilvas said:
Your math is a little off. The renew glyph also increases total healing by 5% (length of HOT, and hence amount healed, reduced by 3/15, or 20%. Each remaining tick increased by 25%, so 5% increased healing overall). Wow, 5% I hear you say, and yes that may only increase your total heal by 20-30 hp. But don't forget your HPS of renew increases by 25%. That is why it is a good glyph.

Then there is the dispel glyph. Sure free heals for FC, and when carrying a nice total health, very worthwhile. But for the dispels on those with more "normal" health pools, it isn't so impressive. And damage isn't percent based. So would you take a dispel heal of 45-50, or 25% hps? What if your target doesn't have any dispellable debuffs, your renew hps is gimped by 20%. What if you're on offensive dispelling? Then your glyph is worth squat.

So not so black and white, unless you're a niche FC dispel spammer. Then yes, you are correct, it is the best :)

I would take 40-50 healing per gcd on top of removal of EVERY magic debuff from anything in 29 over renew glyph. Yes. I must be retarded obviously.

The only time glyph of renew goes in my Major is when I'm debuff healing in full spellpower gear.

Also, @bold - Sigh. All I can do is sigh.

Also, @ Underline - Back to 100 renew ticks unglyphed, which is 125 glyphed. It STILL ticks every 3 seconds, and fortunately gcd is 1.5 seconds. While the renew is healing 25 more per tick, the dispel, assuming your opposition isnt terrible(And trying to kill your FC/CC your team/Debuff everyone), is doing 40-50 MEASLY healing every 1.5 seconds, 90 healing every 3 seconds on top of a renew.

Obv, you either

A) Dont play in premades.


B) You just want to see me get raged over a dispel glyph, which is cool bro.

ALSO, last thing, raptor, what is it you're trying to do with this, info would be helpful with a decision.
Even if you never play in a premade ever, dispel is by far the best glyph. There's just so much stuff to dispel, and if you're not using it on all your teammates, you're not using dispel enough. You should literally be spamming it on everyone all the time. It's the best spell in the bracket, use it.
something to add here. i also don't like the renew glyph only because it creates too many problems within the 5 sec rule. glyphed you're refreshing your renews every 12 secs where as unglyphed every 15 therefore imho not optimizing your mana conservation and usage.
I'd argue that the dispel glyph is situational, but the best glyph that you can use, I've been experimenting with a few, but the other glyphs you have to put 3 talents into their respective abilities to get the most out of them. PW:S is preference, and you have to use three points to get the maximum effect out of the glyph but it seems kind of a waste with pre-shielding. Renew ticks for only about 20-30 more with a reduced duration, even at 148 sp :/, so again you'll probably have to spec into imp renew to get the most out of that glyph.

And obviously, use decursive and bind mouseover to a key if you get this glyph it really does work wonders
All I'm trying to do is give a balanced view that the dispel glyph is good but not for all situations which you have conceded, as you do use the renew glyph yourself. I do run in mainly spellpower gear a lot of the time.

And, no I don't do premades much, nor want to enrage you over a glyph, but these threads are more useful if people give reasoned responses rather than flaming people for not not using this glyph, or that spec...

FYI, I always dispel, ie whenever a magic debuff is present in range, but I do a fair amount of offensive dispelling too. From my logs, my last BG (which was a PUG), I dispelled 52 debuffs in 9 mins play. 18k effective healing, 9% overheal. A fair bit of the dispelling was offensive.

You see the last time I tried the dispel glyph, I wasn't blown away by it, but in the pursuit of progress, I'll give it another go, and see how much healing it does for me, and report back with results later.
riksu said:
Go Glyph of Inner Fire and spec improved inner fire!

Not really worth it unless you find yourself CONSTANTLY getting farmed by hunters 1v1, or find yourself as a fc more often than not. And even then you could probably just crutch on nades rather than waste three talent points and a major glyph.

And, no I don't do premades much, nor want to enrage you over a glyph, but these threads are more useful if people give reasoned responses rather than flaming people for not not using this glyph, or that spec...

And no, not at all

Glyphs and talents are of course one's personal playstyle, I'm wearing the dispel glyph at the moment but my account is inactive so that's probably why it's not showing up. I change them out every once and a while to experiment and have even tried inner fire glyph and talent, and it was pretty fun, I survived a 2v1 hunter encounter. But I wouldn't spec that way in a pug or premade especially if I'm going to be facing another priest or resto shaman, purge/dispel isn't fun when a hunter is on you. And 3/3 silent resolve I've had purge resist about 5 times occasionally before they got anywhere.

It's the way you play your character, but I just happen to believe you can't get 100% out of the PW:S glyph or the renew glyph without speccing.

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