Glowing Brightwood vs Felbane

With the new enchant coming 81 sp to staffs, should i buy GBS and put 40 spell dmg on it, or get the felbane staff and put 81.

I guess its




40spell power


81 spell power
please stop the unnecessary bickering please...if i wanted to see 2 people being wieners to each other i'd go on the battlegroup forums...try to leave the insults to yourself or do it elsewhere where there isn't anyone who cares. not trying to be a dick, but i think we've separated ourselves from the epeen stroking populace that have forums wars...

thanks guys! =)

but endo, if you want my opinion, after looking at the 2 weapons, i'd take the 40 sp route...i don't remember what the conversion rate is for int --> spell power, but i think the other stats it has makes it a bit more beneficial to you. anyone else agree with that? hope that helps bud. good luck and let us know what you choose!
Animalmother said:
please stop the unnecessary bickering please...if i wanted to see 2 people being wieners to each other i'd go on the battlegroup forums...try to leave the insults to yourself or do it elsewhere where there isn't anyone who cares. not trying to be a dick, but i think we've separated ourselves from the epeen stroking populace that have forums wars...

thanks guys! =)

but endo, if you want my opinion, after looking at the 2 weapons, i'd take the 40 sp route...i don't remember what the conversion rate is for int --> spell power, but i think the other stats it has makes it a bit more beneficial to you. anyone else agree with that? hope that helps bud. good luck and let us know what you choose!

Thanks for the response. I went ahead and bought the GBS and i think i'll do the quests for felbane, grab em both and test it out! :)
One of you two needs to be the bigger man and walk away...

Cooler heads.. all that

Anyways, why not get both?

GBS with spellpower/intellect

Felbane with spellpower
Take your flames elsewhere.

People come to the forums for information not to see guys argue about a signature. If it bothers you so much, report it. If not, then just leave it be.

And I'd grab both, although GBS is better. You may never know what enchants come your way as the xpac develops.
If you guys have a problem with another person, including there signature contact a Mod and we will resolve the issue, DO NOT flame, since both of you are new I will let you both off with a warning.

This is a FLAME FREE site, and wil not be tolerated to any point.
Endorphine said:
With the new enchant coming 81 sp to staffs, should i buy GBS and put 40 spell dmg on it, or get the felbane staff and put 81.

I guess its




40spell power


81 spell power

What about a MP5 build w/ spell-surge on GBW?
imho id grab 3 GBW. i had a disc priest with the 43 sp chant, and mp5. i had a third to keep soulfrost on in case i felt a little saucy. the 3rd isnt necessary but it adds a little change.

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