samppalol Legend Jan 25, 2014 #1 As title say, im looking decent 2s partner. Open for nearly all comps. You should have atleast 2.2k exp, and more plus if it is current season @90s
As title say, im looking decent 2s partner. Open for nearly all comps. You should have atleast 2.2k exp, and more plus if it is current season @90s
Bøøbz Legend Jan 27, 2014 #2 add ruben#2437 Wtfisblock @ Turalyon - Community - World of Warcraft = main
Baelo Legend Feb 1, 2014 #3 Ey dude, i'd like to play with you. My 85 is Baelo @ Outland - Community - World of Warcraft, 2450 rated atm. Akean#2171
Ey dude, i'd like to play with you. My 85 is Baelo @ Outland - Community - World of Warcraft, 2450 rated atm. Akean#2171