US <Give Me Your Energy> - Bleeding Hollow (A) Recruitment

[MENTION=25480]Delayed[/MENTION] I think I may have you on battletag from 39s. My battletag is Meangean#1288

I know I have a delayed under my friends list.

I'd be glad to invite you.
>.< I i saw your battle tag and thought that name was familiar. I'd be game play anything you need. Just ask and I'll do my best (sadly no promises) to get it done/ready for your needs.
We are still actively recruiting/funding newcomers to the bracket to increase population and activity in the guild.
Select best in slot funding for a few people willing to roll certain classes! I am looking for dedicated players that are going to be staying within the guild.
Come join in on the action! We are a friendly, active guild that is looking to expand our numbers.
Our guild is still going strong and is always looking for new recruits. We are looking to help fellow newcomers or other twinks get better.

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