Gigantic Heal for 19 FC


Guild Master

/cast Charged Crystal Focus

/cast Healing Potion

/cast [target=<YourName>]Heavy Runecloth Bandage

This will automatically heal you for a minimum of 2,360 instantly, and then proceed to heal you for a minimum of 2,000 over 5 seconds. You could heal yourself for up to 2,720 instantly if the Potion crits.
iaccidentallytwink said:

[B]/cast Charged Crystal Focus[/B]

/cast Healing Potion

/cast Healthstone

/cast Heavy Runecloth Bandage

This will automatically heal you for a minimum of 2,360 instantly, and then proceed to heal you for a minimum of 2,000 over 5 seconds. You could heal yourself for up to 2,780 instaly if the Potion crits.

Isn't the part that I bolded usually enough for a 19?
I'd figure the crystal focus would be enough, but I guess if you need a really big heal this macro would do that.
Thirk, maybe I am mistaken...but don't crystal focus' and healthstones share cooldowns? Or am i just missing something, and it flew right over my head lols?
My mistake. Also, most druids have far more than 2k HP in Bear Form, so it's definitely going to help there.
Druiddroid said:
or you can roll a paladin and use lay on hands.

But if it's on CD?
Spooksters said:
lol, there are many situations - but this macro is definitely useful as an 'o shit' button

Unless you're wayyy too powerful to even need to keybind "oh shit" buttons.

/points tooo....


..someone other than me

You could throw in a recombob too!

<3 my recombobs, I already have a macro set up for that and a health or mana potion. Very useful in a tight spot.
Phantom said:
You could throw in a recombob too!

<3 my recombobs, I already have a macro set up for that and a health or mana potion. Very useful in a tight spot.

Sadly it shares CD's with Healthstones/CCF.

Also, Everglow Lantern would be a nice addition, seeing as it doesn't seem to share and CD's, not sure about GCD though. I know I'm forcing my 18 healer to use Everglow/Recombob/Renew/Bandage for the O-SHIT moments.
Penicillin said:
Of topic, what's your 18 healer Thirk?

It's a priest that my friend is making. He's only level 10 at the moment, it's his first twink, he's progressing pretty slowly because I'm making ~5 twinks with him. For future reference his name's Gloyd though. I'm fully funding him, 'cept for BoA of course.

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