Cosmetic Cash Shop MoP Helmets make a return as Amazon Gaming Reward
The 3 cash shop helmets originally made available on the Blizzard cash shop back in MoP are now available for free on the Amazon Gaming Loot website (does require Amazon Prime/Gaming subscription).
Link: https://gaming.amazon.com/loot/wow?ingress=twch&ref_=SM_WS01_P1_CRWN
edit: Release schedule has been posted, courtesy of Reddit/https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/n...-gaming-members-get-the-jewel-of-the-firelord
The 3 cash shop helmets originally made available on the Blizzard cash shop back in MoP are now available for free on the Amazon Gaming Loot website (does require Amazon Prime/Gaming subscription).
Link: https://gaming.amazon.com/loot/wow?ingress=twch&ref_=SM_WS01_P1_CRWN
edit: Release schedule has been posted, courtesy of Reddit/https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/n...-gaming-members-get-the-jewel-of-the-firelord

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