GF'd Characters


I just realized that my level squished characters that are under lvl 10 all have specializations chosen and have the added abilities. I have at least 2 that I can think of, a balance druid lvl 6, and a Shaman lvl 9 (don't remember what spec). Unfortunately I had a warrior, priest and rogue that I leveled up before I realized what I had.

My question is: what would you all do with these toons? Should I level the druid up to level 9 and turn exp off on both of them? keep them at the level they are or does this even make a big difference? I was planning to level the druid to 10 and farm BoPs for my bank alt (who come to think of it may be spec'd as well) but since I realized he was a GF'd toon I leveled a new druid to 10.
Niche twink levels are really more of a explore on your own type of thing. There are no communities for such levels apart from lvl 1s with specs (from earlier expansions). I'd say pick a class that you have the most fun with and do whatever you please. Solo pve mobs, achievements, etc. There won't be any wpvp available though.

My level 10 was squished to lvl 5 in SL. I had Justicar title at a level where NGs weren't even doable at that point. But there was no point being lvl 5. I leveled back up to 10. There's just so much more to do at 10 than any other level before that. :(

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