Getting Pissed at my Guild...


rip fishin buddies
So today they schedule a 25m ICC continuation, and I sign up for it, since I've been going since we started it on Saturday. We were on Saurfang and everything.

What do they do tonight?

[Raid Warning] We will be letting 25m ICC reset, and will be doing 25m Ony, VoA, and ToC tonight.

Which wouldnt have been a problem, if I didnt get saved to each of those already, since it is Monday and they weren't scheduled...

/sigh I don't know. Shit like this ever happen to anyone else?
well friday my guild was supposed to do icc 10....turned out we were one tank short. guess where the tank was.....IN A PUG ICC 10. and he was a co-GM so i couldnt say shit. i mean in all fairness he signed up to raid on his warlock, but when you have a geared tank you should be ready to step up & tank even if you signed up on a diff. toon &/or for dps. especially if you're a co-GM....thats just shitty leadership imo.
Falkor said:
well friday my guild was supposed to do icc 10....turned out we were one tank short. guess where the tank was.....IN A PUG ICC 10. and he was a co-GM so i couldnt say shit. i mean in all fairness he signed up to raid on his warlock, but when you have a geared tank you should be ready to step up & tank even if you signed up on a diff. toon &/or for dps. especially if you're a co-GM....thats just shitty leadership imo.

He didnt sign up on his Tank, why should he tank it if he didnt sign up for that. Its not shitty leadership at. He would be a shitty leader if he signed up on his tank.
Canterbury said:
He didnt sign up on his Tank, why should he tank it if he didnt sign up for that. Its not shitty leadership at. He would be a shitty leader if he signed up on his tank.

b/c he is a gm, and he has a geared tank. we ended up canceling the run b/c he was selfish and chose to run a pug vs. helping his guild. if you are able to help the run you should, be it switching from dps to heals or heals to tank, w/e....especially if you are a gm or cogm. it looks bad and lowers moral when guild runs are canceled and it was totally preventable. instead the rest of us sat in game while he linked loot and got achievements. bUllshit
Sounds like this GM needs to get things straight, the guild comes first :p

You shouldn't be in a pug that close to raid anyways...

Oh and @Orc:

Yeah I have had that happen all the time except sadly I was the one making that call with the other GM's. We always did this when the people we needed didn't sign up for the raid and by going we would just suffer through a wipe fest. Usually the raid fell apart to a point because people did pug it earlier which ends up sucking in the end...but at least we didn't have to pay the repair bills I guess...
I think you shouldn't be forced to go to a raid on a char you don't want to raid with just because it'd be more convenient for everyone else.

If you actually don't like a char or are eager to get another one geared up who are your guildies to have the right to say no, go tank it for us, we don't care that you don't even like that char and hate tanking.

I'm not saying that was exactly the case and he certainly shouldn't have been in a pug if he signed up with his guild but even so he shouldn't be forced to do something he doesn't want to do just because he has the right character for it.

My brother ended up deleting his 80 death knight cause otherwise he just had to tank every raid on it because it was well geared even though he hated tanking.
Krosa said:
I think you shouldn't be forced to go to a raid on a char you don't want to raid with just because it'd be more convenient for everyone else.

If you actually don't like a char or are eager to get another one geared up who are your guildies to have the right to say no, go tank it for us, we don't care that you don't even like that char and hate tanking.

I'm not saying that was exactly the case and he certainly shouldn't have been in a pug if he signed up with his guild but even so he shouldn't be forced to do something he doesn't want to do just because he has the right character for it.

My brother ended up deleting his 80 death knight cause otherwise he just had to tank every raid on it because it was well geared even though he hated tanking.

i wouldnt have cared if he dps on his warlock if we werent down a tank, and if that didnt cause us to call the run. he could have prevented it. plus like that other guy said, he shouldnt have been raiding that close to a guild raid anyways b/c if our run didnt get canceled than he would have had to bail on that pug anyways to log on his lock. i dont care that he signed up on his lock, more power to him....but when we need a tank to do a run, dont be selfish; then no one wins. in our guild we can choose what toon/spec to raid with, as long as we have everything filled. ex. he was free to raid on his lock cuz we have two other tanks...but one didnt sign up or log on so under the rules he woulda been asked to tank instead, if he wasnt saved that is.

as far as your brother. thats too bad, but deleting was a little rash. perhaps he should have quit his guild and pugged, or found a new guild that would let him dps.

idk about his situation, but if he was MT/OT for his guild and they geared him up 1st (like tanks usually are) then he does have a certain obligation to remain a tank and not go to dps. if he was primarily dps and got tank gear along the way & the guild forced him to tank then he should feel fine leaving. no need to delete the toon.
all guilds i have been on had the same trouble.

nobody showed up during the raid day. the reason being most of everybody cant wait and must raid the day they reset and thus are PUGing without caring for the guild. when that happens too much then you end up with a deadly active guild. its active for everyone always up, but dead because nobody even cares for the sceduled raid.

the only guild i was in that was awesome and well planned, actually think that wiping 10 times in a row at 4 horseman was learning ! sorry but paying 200g of repairs every raids is not my idea of learning, its so easy to tell stuff to people. why cant they learn faster ? i mean after the 3rd time i'd have kicked that mage staying in the middle of the room everytimes thinking he is the most well placed guy !

thats also why i left raiding, its too hard to organise things, i can't believe you guys back then were able to do 40 man raids with such noobies thinking only for themselves.


by the way, once you start tanking or healing you are stuck in that position forever !

thats what sucks also, nobody wants those position and thus healers and tanks are too hard to find !
ArthurianKnight said:
thats also why i left raiding, its too hard to organise things, i can't believe you guys back then were able to do 40 man raids with such noobies thinking only for themselves.


by the way, once you start tanking or healing you are stuck in that position forever !

thats what sucks also, nobody wants those position and thus healers and tanks are too hard to find !

well tbh having 40 ppl actually made things easier on most fights since a lot were straight up tank and spank. the only times more idiots would be a problem would be like vael, nef, stuff in aq/naxx (where idiots would have been weeded out long before). mc and most of bwl was easy and even idiots contributed more dps/healing...unless they got turned into a bomb and ran into a group lol. and there was virtually no pugging back then so bad guildies would not be chosen or just kicked out.

for the most part healers/tanks are stuck at that spot if they are in a guild. the reason being healers/tanks usually get priority on gear UGs for them quitting/changing roles really fucks up the raid. really the only people who can freely change are puggers who are lucky enough/play enough to get multiple good sets and can fill in any role (ex. a druid on my server that is in a guild, but also pugs a lot and can fill in any role in a raid, but even then a lot of the time he is healing or tanking). sux but someone has to do it!
i wouldnt have cared if he dps on his warlock if we werent down a tank, and if that didnt cause us to call the run. he could have prevented it. plus like that other guy said, he shouldnt have been raiding that close to a guild raid anyways b/c if our run didnt get canceled than he would have had to bail on that pug anyways to log on his lock. i dont care that he signed up on his lock, more power to him....but when we need a tank to do a run, dont be selfish; then no one wins. in our guild we can choose what toon/spec to raid with, as long as we have everything filled. ex. he was free to raid on his lock cuz we have two other tanks...but one didnt sign up or log on so under the rules he woulda been asked to tank instead, if he wasnt saved that is.

as far as your brother. thats too bad, but deleting was a little rash. perhaps he should have quit his guild and pugged, or found a new guild that would let him dps.

idk about his situation, but if he was MT/OT for his guild and they geared him up 1st (like tanks usually are) then he does have a certain obligation to remain a tank and not go to dps. if he was primarily dps and got tank gear along the way & the guild forced him to tank then he should feel fine leaving. no need to delete the toon.

If you've only got good gear because of help from your guild then yes you do have an obligation to tank, but if you just so happen to have a tank then it's your char not your guilds and you should be able to refuse to tank as your guild shouldn't be counting on you, they should find a new tank or pug one.

And my bro for the most part hated his DK and loved the guild he was in, just in raids he kept being pressured to tank when all dps spaces could be filled without him. I'm actually GM of the guild he's in but at the time I wasn't lv 80 and I can't be on 24/7 so I couldn't keep that close a watch of it or really understand too much about what he was complaining about, I left everything regarding lv 80 PvE to my PvE teamleader lol. (who has now been fired). And believe me my bro felt no loss over the DK, but my point at the end of all this is that unless you owe someone/some guild something then they should have no rights to dictate what char you must attend raids on.
i had 2-3 chars in the dragon clan guild, basically all my 80 chars in that guild were receiving invites ! the GM knew it was lal my chars, but actually used that to know what i wanted to be since i could be DPs or Heal. i was lucky to have the choice back then. but then again no raids ever starter due to the number of PUG guild members actually made.

the problem with guilds now a days is that the active members dont care for the guilds.

when cata comes out and they'll gain benefits from guilds and have a chance to lose them because they didn't wait... they will think it twice before going off for PUGs.

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