Getting LFD groups to do Serra Kis


I'm gearing up a rogue and I need to get the bracers from Serra Kis in BFD. Every group that I join usually just wants to skip. I ask nicely and even set a raid target icon on him but still they all ignore me and proceed on towards the end of the dungeon. The couple of times I did get groups to do it (2 out of about 8 runs), the bracers didn't drop or when they did, the need roll was won by a level 26 hunter. It's wearing me down now because you have to run so much of the dungeon to get to that point, only to have the group ignore you and skip it.

How does everyone else go about getting these? Is there a way to ninja him out of his little den so that the group attacks him? Any suggestions appreciated.
I'm gearing up a rogue and I need to get the bracers from Serra Kis in BFD. Every group that I join usually just wants to skip. I ask nicely and even set a raid target icon on him but still they all ignore me and proceed on towards the end of the dungeon. The couple of times I did get groups to do it (2 out of about 8 runs), the bracers didn't drop or when they did, the need roll was won by a level 26 hunter. It's wearing me down now because you have to run so much of the dungeon to get to that point, only to have the group ignore you and skip it.

How does everyone else go about getting these? Is there a way to ninja him out of his little den so that the group attacks him? Any suggestions appreciated.

I hated that item on my hunter.

I at least could take solace in knowing that my hunter's BiS ring dropped in there, was extremely rare, and every BFD kill was another chance at it dropping. Until that ring drops, you'll need to continue running BFD anyways, so meh.

Oh, and if you lead the group, you can tell them the group quest is in the water. Tell them the boss is only a jump and a skip away from there.
The best way is to try asking a p2p to make a group for you for BFD....or get a tank+2dps(with the bracer already)+yourself and pug a healer....the way i did it was 2dps+me and a healer...and a warrior(thank god it wasn't a druid tank)....btw what is your rogue? or horde?
Hated getting those. Tried for a bit, then gave up because I was sick and tired of running BFD only to have my group skip Serra'kis...or have them not drop...or lose a roll on them. Such a pain in the ass. In the end, I just ran it a few times a day (as much as I could stomach), until finally...success.
Be chatty and competent in the first half of the instance, and try to get an enjoyable run going with a nice rhythm. If the tank does something actually compliment-worthy, mention it but don't be obvious or patronizing. When you get to the water, ask the tank directly (by name) if he would mind killing serra'kis.

Alternatively, try falling off the edge of the water platform. Make sure you're in the tank's field of vision and right at the end of a pull so he'll come save you. Ask if you can do serra'kis since you're already down there. Don't bother with this if you've asked and the tank has refused.
Alternatively, a rogue with a high level along can simply walk all the way to Serra'kis, without even pulling mobs (with judicious use of sap). That makes boosting a rogue for items a lot less of a strain than it would be for another class, that would need the whole route cleared for them.

If you're on AP, now that WSG weekend is almost over, I'll be tanking/healing or just plain boosting some of the newer people for gear, as we had several who couldn't join us in BGs due to lack of gear.
Will you be on much the next few days? I have a 58 ally dk and a 70 horde that I do runs once in a while. PM me your name and if I see you on I'll run.
Will you be on much the next few days? I have a 58 ally dk and a 70 horde that I do runs once in a while. PM me your name and if I see you on I'll run.

Thanks for that kind offer. I'm on EU Eonar though so it's unlikely your chars are on the same realm.
i usually just make something up. one of my favorite tricks is to go to wowhead and use their in-game link feature to link an item in party chat, and then claim that item drops off the "secret boss" down underneath. this works for me almost every single time. obviously you're going to need to pick an appropriate item or item(s), and you should probably make sure it's a really good item for its level, too
Keep at it - it took me over 30 SFK runs to get my bracers.

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