Getting gatherers un-grandfathered

druid, i agree to that, and i don't have a problem with passing a few hours of time playing on my twink getting things. unfortunetly the fishing gears and the prof buffs needed one thing, one thing i don't have... someone to come along with me and defending me for all the time i am there.

not to mention the mining and skinning needed a warlock to summon you which meant 2 other people besides you and the warlock. that 4 people to get prof. i have but one paladin friend on which i can count to help me the other just don't want to twink and so they don't want to help.

you see i'm probably the only one of all my friend that like the PVP in wow !

that'S what i wanted to say.
wotlk killed 19s
Druiddroid said:
lots of new problems show up though

like red pets and stuff :(

Even with red pets, the 49s are fairly balanced. The burst is kinda on the high side (a la preBC PvP style), but there's always a counter to everything. Grandfathered stuff doesn't make too much of a difference here.

I agree though, red pets need to go :D. and I'm praying for the 19 bracket right now
Hey, just somebody who used to twink back in (back in '08 and before) wondering if any progress has been made on getting profession buffs ungrandfathered. As it stands I don't see myself twinking again if the buffs aren't ungrandfathered. :O

Maybe somebody with a US account start another thread about it in the US forums profession discussion section. :O
the only progress being made towards making professions ungrandfathered is within blizzard's confines. we can make 26 page petitions, but they are not going to change much because of it, at least regarding blizzard's track record and their passiveness to what twinks think about WoW changes.

we will see, next patch...
Druiddroid said:
we can make 26 page petitions, but they are not going to change much because of it, at least regarding blizzard's track record and their passiveness to what twinks think about WoW changes.

Ofc. :p It doesn't hurt to keep reminding them about it though. ^^
if their gonna remove ppl with 450 proffs, then they migth just get started on ppl with ZG enchants on their boa items , and +30 stam as well [ if their gonna nerf it ]
*just wanted to pop in and say /agree with the add % of crit and etc to professions idea

That being said, i could really care less what they do to the gathering professions, my twink has like 120somehting herbing cuz i was bored one day and the WSG queue time was close to 20 mins and i see twinks with often enough with maxed gathering professions and the fishing gear and the BOA items and all i can say is it's not as big a deal (at least to me). If someone wants to go run around fishing and dying and herbing and dying and mining and more dying in higher lvl areas over and over again, go for it, i'm not that into putting THAT much effort into a guy i only play about a quarter of my wow time :p

I suppose i'm not as "dedicated" as most, but w/e, I still enjoy a good WSG.

Blizz is going to do w/e Blizz wants to do cuz Blizz is our god and as much as we'd like them to cater to every whim of ours, they aren't....they're busy drinking soda from their Illidan Snack Machines and what not XD
"getting gatherers un-grandfathered"

well i think after almost a month of time with no progress...its say to say "EPIC FAIL"

in all seriousness tho...blizzard doesnt give a shit, just move on
i just wonder how you guys got to that much higher level grounds to get your proffs to 450 ?

how the hell could you stroll around in northend without getting killed at all ?

at 19 you should ahve been more then an aggro magnet.

so yeah i don'T have that many 80 friends who'd wish to stick up with me to protect me all day long. actually i'd be doing this once a week and even there they'd leave me the next week.

so no i wasn't lazy to get it, but unlike you tetox, we don't have a guild to run us thru or willing to help us till we're over with !

i'm all for the non-grandfathering... i can deal with me not getting fishing gears or me not levelling my profession to highest point, but i can't deal with the fact they left the others with it while disallowing us to get to their levels ! that's going too far !
ArthurianKnight said:
i just wonder how you guys got to that much higher level grounds to get your proffs to 450 ?


well, yeah dude. the best way to have done it was having an 80 (with Traveler's Mammoth, optimally) to babysit you for 5-6 hours. Same deal with Fishing items and AGM.

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