Getting gatherers un-grandfathered

Another potential Grandfathering issue.

ZG enchants can no longer be applied to BoA. This is currently unconfirmed, but we should find out results soon.
Tetox said:
or u could just do nothing and sink into depression that you were too lazy to lvl ur profs before the patch...u had ample time

actually i did level my profs thanks, i would be happy with removal, its going to kill twinking if it stays like this
Tetox said:
or u could just do nothing and sink into depression that you were too lazy to lvl ur profs before the patch...u had ample time

why do you assume that everyone is "lazy" who doesn't have 450 professions? maybe some people have jobs/family & not to mention all this happened during a busy time of year. Thanksgiving/Christmas <-- most people tend to work more to make the extra $$ during this time.

I guess you fail to see how this will affect the competition in the 19 bracket.
I have a 450/450 twink, and I'd prefer this isn't grandfathered. If left as is, it creates a literally insurmountable barrier for new twinks, including any new ones I make. I don't know about you, but I plan on making new twinks in the future and don't want to face the dilemma of "Why make this twink if (even in perfect gear), it will be nothing compared to my old twink?".
My twink is trained enough for her 450 prof. So are many of my guildies. However, there are a lot of twinks that are considering rerolling in our battlegroup. They may have a hard time competing against twinks with ZGs and 450 profs. I'm actually considering proposing to my guild that we all drop our 450 profs to make the battlegroup more benevolent to new competition. >.<
They should remove level cap on skills and add a level requirement to the spells. upto rank 3 gathering proff buffs, no req. onward it should be the same as the new ones for gathering. atleast that way things would be made fair!

i have my proffs up but if i ever want a new twink then its going to be almost impossible to do anything
Forgot to learn the next rank of mining :( Also I think that people had enough time to get it up, but it's still not fair for new twinks or for people that reroll their twinks! I basically stayed at 284 mining and 158 herblore because I heard rmors that they might remove te buffs, in which case I didn't want to go through all the work to get 450. Call me lazy if you must, I am!
kám said:
ffs stop the qq and get over it

<3 ur post

for real, it will blow over soon, ppl will realize bliz doesnt care about our tiny little 1-2k signatures on a petition and will ignore this

we should all take the time to learn some acceptance and just wait for this to go away naturally, as old twinks quit/reroll, we will begin to see a decrease in frequency of 450 buffs until it doesnt matter enough to qq

its not a huge issue and new twinks will get the chance to get their own "op bug/blizzard oversight" in time...gladiator inscriptions on BoA shoulders just came out, get grandfathered into that, its like having 375 mining and then some
Tetox said:
we should all take the time to learn some acceptance

Maybe you should practice what your preaching and accept that no matter how much you say stop QQing people are and will and always will be. Also, if your so sure blizzard will ignore a petition, then why are you fighting so hard to prevent it? Blizzard is going to do whatever they are going to do and I bet most people will still pay their 15$ a month and life will go on.
If they take one "grandfathered" thing away why not take them all,O sorry i have to take your naxx enchants cause you can't do naxx anymore,Sorry i have to take your tittle away cause you look cooler then other twinks,You think that these grandfathered chars will be around crushin shit all day every day?No,in fact a majority of them will be gone or inactive in a few months to a year,So wait it out,So you didn't have enough exp to get them,O sorry,start it over,If they take away 450 they mine as well refund the exp all of us current twinks have got from gathering,You knew this was coming i knew this was coming,I myself went out and got it on multiple chars,You had your chance i had mine,If you used yours congrats,I used mine,And to see how twinking would be to get the best gear/set up posiable you should of got profs why you could,Nothing stoping you,not enough exp?Make another twink,There is no other gear that i can think of that cant be replaced,naxx mail em to your new twink,REALY rare gear?Damn that sucks,buy it aghin,...........And instead of bitching about taking away gathering buffs why don't you pressure them to fix level 80 pvp

I hate people complaining about this so much stuff i can QQ about that other twinks i have

QQ no pod

QQ no naxx

QQ no vendetta

QQ list goes on
In a way most rare BOE drops where,But that isn't the whole point behind that post the point is that,imo the goal of twinking is to get the best gear posiable and if profs are included on that well by god i am going to get profs,Witch i did,It is just a point,removing it is just dumb

And by boes being grandfathered in a way i mean due to blizz nerfing the lvls of instances witch our lovely lil toys drop from nerfed the hell out of the drop rate i been farming PoD for a year, /cry to think i used it on my hunter prebc when i was newb at 40,that was b4 it was rare,You win some you lose some

And if one of these petition actually work are you going to petition for the ones who went out took the risk the frustration the time to get these,i don't think so,I don't think complaining about something you could of prevented,Wanted to make future twinks kay make a lvl one and get profs up there you go,Shit they mine as well restore naxx so other people have a greater chance at naxx shoulders
Illusions said:
In a way most rare BOE drops where,But that isn't the whole point behind that post the point is that,imo the goal of twinking is to get the best gear posiable and if profs are included on that well by god i am going to get profs,Witch i did,It is just a point,removing it is just dumb
read the thread i posted

And by boes being grandfathered in a way i mean due to blizz nerfing the lvls of instances witch our lovely lil toys drop from nerfed the hell out of the drop rate i been farming PoD for a year, /cry to think i used it on my hunter prebc when i was newb at 40,that was b4 it was rare,You win some you lose some
yeah it sucks, but it's not like a huge upgrade if you get PoD when compared to the 2nd best. having a 2k HoT that noone can get is a pretty big deal, especially at 19. and technically it's not grandfathered, but i do see your point.
Mazurati said:
why do you assume that everyone is "lazy" who doesn't have 450 professions? maybe some people have jobs/family & not to mention all this happened during a busy time of year. Thanksgiving/Christmas <-- most people tend to work more to make the extra $$ during this time.

I guess you fail to see how this will affect the competition in the 19 bracket.

How can you not achieve to get 450 with Exploits and in like 3 freakin months? If you take twinking seriously and can't put 1-2 hours into capping your proffesions, may I just ask, why the f*** do you pay to have your account activated?

On a side note, is it a new Madock wannabe I spotted? lols, silly threads on Blizz forums wont change anything.
serisouly, only those who likes to pawn without competition likes the grandfathering, all those like us that seeks competition on a daily basis knows that this thing only worsen the bracket.

i already have problem defeating twinks who has the fishing gear, and that'S only 500 more life then i am, its not much but it makes the difference. so now imagine someone having 1k life more then me, and having about twice my dps ! now tell me, how am i suppose to have competition here ? i tell you, its not even near a competition, its called a masacre !

i can deal with the fishing gear, after all i'm the one who doesn't start looking for them. but its not the same for the other things, i can't go for them, or i would have ! as for the you should have gone there, i learned about enti and the zg enchants and the prof bugs like 2 weeks ago, so that reason is completely lame to begin with !

seriously, the level requirement is there, so why have they kept it ?

i mean he has 450 mining, but is not even level 20 to get 225, so why is he still getting it ?

what i say is, do as they did with the aldor/scryer shoulder chant bug... report them, and eventually things will be back to normal. that's hapenned people reported the bug users and eventually those people got their enchants removed from their shoulder.

do the same and eventually nobody will have higher then what they should be having !

that's my 2 cent.


twinking, getting best gears is all it means ?

seriously, you guys think that twinking is all that ?

then explain me why i love to have a good game going with twinks on the other side as well ?

most twinks i've seen are twinks for the competition, why do you think there is an arena competition to begin with !

twinking is not just getting overpowered things on us, if it was blizz would have made it impossible to do to begin with, if they do not care for it, its because people have made it into a competition. twinking is the apogee of the PVP. look at 80 arena's the same twinked characters. blizzard told it themselves... twinking is not even a word, each gears have been made for each level and even the formulas works like that. so yeah it is getting the best for our level, but for what purpose is it like that. that is something you guys seems to be missing.

the purpose is COMPETITION !

is there any if you have something the others can never get ?
before the grandfathering, everyone could get the profession buffs.

twinking IS about getting the best gear. it's not necessarily "overpowered," because other twinks will have them.

the problem with the profession buffs though is that you can't just throw money at it. pretty much all other gear requires just a few runs (well depending on drop rate, but it's nice at 19). then all the enchants just require mats from the AH that can be bought with gold. with the profession buffs though, it requires hours of time to get, so some twinks don't want to get it. this means that less twinks have the profession buffs than perfect enchants on gear. so now twinks are on an uneven level.

it is unfortunate that now it's lopsided this way, now that noone new can get the profession buffs. hopefully blizzard will ungrandfather the buffs.

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