Get Your Lucky Fishing Hat and Nat Pagle's Extreme Anglin' Boots


At least 2-3 times a night, I get asked, “Hey bro, where did you get that hat?”. I am not much for conversation in a game, so I give short answers and end up telling them to Google it. Well, I decided to throw together a guide to answer most of the questions someone might have about fishing in the tournament and catching the rare fish to get your [ITEM]Lucky Fishing Hat[/ITEM] and [ITEM]Nat Pagle's Extreme Anglin' Boots[/ITEM].

Edit by Kore: Nat Pagle's Xtreme Anglin' Boots are no longer availible for twinks to use.



What is the Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza?

The Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza is a weekly fishing event held in Stranglethorn Vale. It takes place on Sundays from 2pm to 4pm server time.

The goal of the fishing tournament is to be the 1st to catch 40 [ITEM]Speckled Tastyfish[/ITEM]. The winner gets their choice of from the [ITEM]Hook of the Master Angler[/ITEM] or [ITEM]Arcanite Fishing Pole[/ITEM]. I’ve got the trinket on my 49 Twink Warrior. It’s pretty fun, but useless for twinks really. I can’t count the times I’ve had 40 fish before someone won. It’s just not worth the time and effort to turn in. In fact, one time that I hit 40 I caught a rare on the next cast. Imagine if I would have hearthed back to win?

What is the Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza to 19 Twinks?

A side plot to the fishing tournament is the rare fish that can be caught. This is why you are reading this. There are 3 rare fish that can only be caught during the Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza in the Schools of Tastyfish. There is a 4th fish you can catch too, but it’s actually a weapon ([ITEM]Rockhide Strongfish[/ITEM]) and you don’t turn it in. I have caught 20-30 rares across 10+ twinks and I have only caught the [ITEM]Rockhide Strongfish[/ITEM] one time.

What are the fish you are looking for?

  • [ITEM]Keefer's Angelfish[/ITEM] is turned in for the [ITEM]Lucky Fishing Hat[/ITEM]
  • [ITEM]Brownell's Blue Striped Racer[/ITEM] is turned in for the [ITEM]Nat Pagle's Extreme Anglin' Boots[/ITEM]
  • [ITEM]Dezian Queenfish[/ITEM] is turned in to get you the [ITEM]High Test Eternium Fishing Line[/ITEM]. I call this the “Kiss your Sister Fish”.

Well, now that we know what we are looking for, let’s get started.

Stranglethorn Vale requires used to require 225 to fish, however in a recent patch you no longer need fishing skill greater than 1 to fish in a pool, so you only need to go to a fishing trainer, click "learn to fish" and pick up a rod and then you're set to go.

What pole should I use?

Any pole will do.

Another thing that is invaluable to have when fishing in this tournament is fish tracking. You get fishing tracking using the [ITEM]Weather-Beaten Journal[/ITEM]. You can get this from fishing out boxes and chests from floating wreckage pools. Open these chests and you have a chance to grab this book. Learn the book and you can track fish!

Leveling fishing is boring!

Yes it is, it’s one of the things I hate most when creating a new twink, but it’s neccessary to get the gear, so we do it. One of the things I highly recommend when leveling is to head to the Barrens when you get your skill high enough. There is a place you can stand aggro free and fish, go afk, and fish some more until you hit 225. The wonderful thing about this spot is that you can catch [ITEM]Deviate Fish[/ITEM]. These fish can be cooked into [ITEM]Savory Deviate Delight[/ITEM]. This is an illusion that turns you into either a pirate or ninja and they sell well. Many twinks love to use them for the coolness factor too, not to mention that it hides your visable gear so others have no idea that you are about to steamroll them. See the screenshot below for the location to fish in the Barrens. The location is right in front of the Wailing Caverns entrance.

Edit by Kore: You no longer need to level fishing, ignore this bit.

My Fishing Skill is 225, Now what?

Get ready for Sunday. Grab your pole .

On Sunday at 2pm server time, be in Stranglethorn Vale. It’s helpful to set your hearth to Booty Bay since this is where you will turn your fish in. If you are Horde, it helps to get you ready to fish quicker too. You can hearth over to Booty Bay and hit the flight path to Grom’gal to start out fishing.

Where do I catch the Fish?

You can catch the [ITEM]Speckled Tastyfish[/ITEM], [ITEM]Keefer's Angelfish[/ITEM], [ITEM]Brownell's Blue Striped Racer[/ITEM], [ITEM]Dezian Queenfish[/ITEM], and the [ITEM]Rockhide Strongfish[/ITEM] only in the Schools of Tastyfish. Your lure must be in the pool to catch one of those.

These pools spawn up and down the coast of Stranglethorn Vale. Refer to the map below. Yojamba Isle is a popular spot for fishing and offers a decent amount of pools. The great thing about this island is that there are no mobs to aggro you. The drawback is that it’s usually crowded and sometimes not worth the time. My favorite place to fish with or without an escort is the highlighted pink path. This area has mobs that will aggro, but they won’t follow you in the water. The Raptors and Basilisks stop at the water’s edge. A little secret about this path is “my pool”. This pool, near the “G” in Gurubashi on the map, has given me better than 40% of my rares.


If you have a higher level escort, move up and down the coast hitting any pool you find. This is the easiest way, but it’s not always an option. Good luck either way.

Another great thing to have is a high level shaman to give you water walking. That makes fishing so easy.

Ok, I’ve caught a rare, now what?

Head back to Booty Bay and hit the Fishbot 5000 on the pier.

The Fishbot 5000 gives you a choice of 3 quests to turn in. One for each of the rare fish. In the screenshot above on the right, I am turning in a [ITEM]Keefer's Angelfish[/ITEM]. If you don’t have the fish, the continue button will be grayed out.

After 4pm Server, the Fishbot 5000 and Jang are still around for an hour, I think. If something happens and you don’t have time, the rare fish stay around and you can turn them in next week. The [ITEM]Speckled Tastyfish[/ITEM] will disappear after 4 hours.

Even if you don’t catch a rare, you can turn in the [ITEM]Speckled Tastyfish[/ITEM] for cash

Even if you lose the competition, you can sell your Tastyfish to an NPC, Jang, in Booty Bay for certain amount of money for every 5 you catch. How much money you get depends on the level you are:

  • Levels 1-60 will get 23s per 5 (85c at level 10)
  • Levels 61-69 will get 90s per 5
  • Level 70s will get 1g 12s per 5


When you get your [ITEM]Lucky Fishing Hat[/ITEM], you can get a higher level toon to apply one of the many Librams to it for you. Most choose to use the +100HP enchant or the +9 agi enchant, but that is up to you. I plan to write a little guide on Librams soon.

When you get your [ITEM]Nat Pagle's Extreme Anglin' Boots[/ITEM], I recommend getting the [ITEM]Formula: Enchant Boots - Boar's Speed[/ITEM]. Some rogues go for [ITEM]Formula: Enchant Boots - Cat's Swiftness[/ITEM], but most of the time the cost for Cat’s Swiftness compared to Boar’s Speed makes it a easy choice. You can get the [ITEM]Nat Pagle's Extreme Anglin' Boots[/ITEM] enchanted with almost any +35 level gear enchant because the actually level of the boots are 40.


  • Someone won the tourney, can I still catch a rare fish? Yes.
  • Someone caught a [ITEM]Keefer's Angelfish[/ITEM], are there anymore? Yes. I’ve caught 2 [ITEM]Keefer's Angelfish[/ITEM] in one day on the same character before.
  • Does turning in fish give you exp? No.
Looks like a very good guide. I also created one myself ( and entire site ) here:

I also created a macro for when people ask about the hat...Need to make one for the boots too. LOL. Anyways I'll try to add the macro I use for the hat when I get home and can log onto WoW.

Anyways nice guide, awesome add! Keep up the work, love the site.
Great guide Drayner :) although I would change one thing - that once you hit 225 fishing you don't need the lures. 225 gives you a 100% catch rate.
Thanks. I believe that you don't need the lures, but I still use them "Just in Case".
The contest is totally doable at lower levels even with alot of competition. I grabbed my pole and gave it a try this past weekend. There were tons of people from level 80's to level 19's all over the place. Just so happens a level 19 twink won it! Needless to say many of the level 80 fishers were very irrate. :)
Damn, Found the Boots.. Already have it 2x now :S
Is it doable with 150 fishing + lures ? because i really really hate to fish :p just soo boring and really dont wanna spend extra time on it..
As stated in the guide:

Stranglethorn Vale requires 225 to fish. Up until patch 2.4, Level 19 twinks could only raise their fishing to 150 and had to rely on maxing out to 150 and using lures to make sure they didn't lose fish. Now you can grab Expert Fishing - The Bass and You and learn to fish up to 225. This eliminates the need for lures, but I would continue using them anyhow.
Ofrick said:
As stated in the guide:

I know since i read the entire thing - But still wanted to know if its enough with 150 + lures or if its close to imposible to catch anything..
fuk all horde ally and fishing

i stayed a hole day to get that stupid hat and i didn't get sheet

and i got stucked in STV .... everybody was pwning me !!! horde ally, mobs
Does anyone know if you fish a school of tasty fish without looting the fish, will the school disappear after a few catches?

If it doesn't twinks can potentially sit at one school until some one poaches it or till we get a rare fish.


I tested it out this past Sunday. Regardless if you loot the fish or not, after successfully catching 3-5 fish the School of Tasty Fish will disappear.
.. Oh my god :b thank you !

2x Fishing Hat's 1x Fishing boots + the Find Fish book.

in 1 hour :b Lucky Fishing day <3
I had noticed you didn't include all good fishing spots in STV on your map with the purple highlights.

Another very good location is on the southeastern shore of STV (north of the bloodsail area). An elite giant lurks there all by himself up the whole of that shoreline and he is easily avoidable. Probably 10-20 pool spawn points on that shoreline.


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