Get conquest points as lvl 70 - 80 and 85




So last few days i have been doing several rbg's at low lvl, here is the " trick ".

If you loose, you will get conquest points.

If you win, you get rating and honor points.

Now, you can use the conquest points to buy the pvp enchants. The one that currently gives 400 pvp power + 200 resi and 50 % disarm reduction.

And with 5.3 we have + 600 pvp power and 50 % and 2 x look alike enchants.

Funny part is that to get the Conquest points you have to loose the RBG and not win it.

Kind Regards,

- Nesy
Yeah, first loss 0 CP then second loss 100 CP. It seems random or only for certain BG's? We'll have to see.
Oh my god! Ty Nes! :D
I ahve no idea what levels you need to be for this. Does the whole team for example have to be 80 ? Are you guys getting together for this? I'm eu side, i'd be very interested in losing a few rbgs with you guys :D
(got an 80 and 85)
I'm very interested in joining a RBG team on my 85 warrior if any of you are running some since I only know a very few other 85s.
Feel free to add my battletag: Joe#2400
Thank you.
The amount of conquest depends on how close the game was, so maybe you dont get any if it wasn't close at all? Like 3-0 in WSG

This is exactly how it works, the better your team does (flag captures, bases controlled etc.) the more points you get.
It's not "first dont second does" It has to do with timers, you have to play a Rbg full time. Im not 100 on how. But if i recall correct Bgs like Wsg, Tp, and such with a timer. You have to finish a bg and loose, dont work to leave, or play 5 min and loose or something like that. Its the same on 90.

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