Get another MoP 10 day trial

wait, can i get the 40mounts with it then?

yup, i personally recommend shooting for stuff that makes a real diff on your f2p acct, instead of just plain grinding items for the sake of the items.
  • mounts like the Traveling Tundra...which gives you a passenger mount AND a portable vendor
  • guild pets because they also give you portable vendors
  • there's a few acct-wide tabards and a couple more that require the help of p2p to grind out. some are pretty attractive for mog suits.
  • pets or mounts that compliment your mog suit.
the traveling tundra would take a lot of work just using 10-day retrys cause its 10,000g...but theoretically if you luck out with a few drops you could get it in a few retries.

using the p2p just to collect pets/mounts/achievement points isn't the best plan imo, becuase you're never going to have enough free time to get the satisfaction of collecting everything...just not enough time. so shoot for stuff you actually want to show off on your f2p.
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mine seems to reset every patch and that would make sense.

i don't think this is actually the case. I believe the patch retries expire...I've had a retry pop at a patch and i held off for a couple weeks due to an annual holiday coming up, hoping I could use the free retry to grind a holiday pet. By the time the holiday arrived, my free retry was no longer available (/ realfacepalm). I don't believe the retries given every 3 months expire.

I think there are retries associated with a 3 month timer...and retries associated with patches (and probably a couple others actually). The retries associated with patches expire. My question is, If I get a patch retry and don't use it, does it still reset my 3month timer?

Also, I think i've seen both 7 day retries and 10 day retries.

point is, there's a lot of details about the retries we haven't figured out.

sounds like a good idea for a serious thread.

I propose we start putting up our log and exact name of the retry. We're going to have to map the retries to patch/expansion launches. I don't think any one person can figure out the rules...two years of f2p and i only have like 7 or 8 data points and that's not enough to figure out what's going on.
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can someone explain how does it work, i mean like if i use it on my starter edition account can i still play my other characters and what happens when it ends?
can someone explain how does it work, i mean like if i use it on my starter edition account can i still play my other characters and what happens when it ends?

no, you need a 2nd account. Once your account is p2p, it's always p2p...but you can link both a p2p and f2p account together under your battlenet ID so that everything is linked (somethign that is considered "account-wide" is really "battlenet account-wide"). It's the p2p account that gets ocassional free trials where there are no limits. Then with your free p2p trial, you gather as many account-wide things as you can and they're shared with your f2p.

if no one beats me to it, i'm going to start a thread tonight that'll attempt to spell everything out and start the attempt to define the parameters of free re-try frequency.
You could easily do the p2p-only stuff needed for the Salty title in this timeframe.

In my second post of this tread I go over it a little bit.

If you don't want to click on that, well, in essence during your free trials, you would need to get 450 points in fishing, do a little water-waliking in a raid for The Lurker Below achievement, complete the Old Man Barlow dailies. Getting together enough cash for a flyer would get you all the required fishing nodes in Northrend, and help you get started on catching Mr. Pinchy.
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Thanks, just used this to transfer all my looms from my P2P account to my F2P account. Going to work on doing scrolls for 5.4, should be good with the same enchants 24's will have.
i don't think this is actually the case. I believe the patch retries expire...I've had a retry pop at a patch and i held off for a couple weeks due to an annual holiday coming up, hoping I could use the free retry to grind a holiday pet. By the time the holiday arrived, my free retry was no longer available (/ realfacepalm). I don't believe the retries given every 3 months expire.

I think there are retries associated with a 3 month timer...and retries associated with patches (and probably a couple others actually). The retries associated with patches expire. My question is, If I get a patch retry and don't use it, does it still reset my 3month timer?

Also, I think i've seen both 7 day retries and 10 day retries.

point is, there's a lot of details about the retries we haven't figured out.

sounds like a good idea for a serious thread.

I propose we start putting up our log and exact name of the retry. We're going to have to map the retries to patch/expansion launches. I don't think any one person can figure out the rules...two years of f2p and i only have like 7 or 8 data points and that's not enough to figure out what's going on.

Mine looks like this. Granted i haven't checked every time to see if i even had one available, and ive taken several breaks from wow over the past year.

View attachment 2402

Sorry, haven't figured out how to take screenshots on win 8 yet >_> Anyhow, hope that helps


  • Subscription Payment History - Battle.pdf
    71.6 KB · Views: 265
I have a few questions about this.

1. If I upgrade to a MOP account, will I still be able to access this free 10-day trial 3 months after my subscription expires? Or will they say I have MOP and deny me?

2. If luckily, I am still able to access these 10-day trials after I upgraded to MOP, will I be able to access my level 90 characters or MOP areas or anything MOP related that I couldn't before I upgraded to MOP? What are the restrictions on a MOP account during trial?
Nope, once you've upgraded to mop you will no longer be eligible for the 10day trial.

what you can do is upgrade to mop for now to enjoy playing a 90 and earning some sick mounts.
then make a second f2p account on your and upgrade that to a battle chest when it's down to 5$ this second p2p will continue to get the 10day trial whenever it comes around.


^ is that how you tag someone? Lol.ive never tried x)
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Thanks, just used this to transfer all my looms from my P2P account to my F2P account. Going to work on doing scrolls for 5.4, should be good with the same enchants 24's will have.

Wait. WHAT? I have a TON of heirlooms on 3 different realms that i would LOVE to transfer to my f2p. Just mail them over or what?
Nope, once you've upgraded to mop you will no longer be eligible for the 10day trial.

what you can do is upgrade to mop for now to enjoy playing a 90 and earning some sick mounts.
then make a second f2p account on your and upgrade that to a battle chest when it's down to 5$ this second p2p will continue to get the 10day trial whenever it comes around.


^ is that how you tag someone? Lol.ive never tried x)

Thanks for the clarification, but this raises another question I must ask: How do I make a second f2p account on my account?
Thanks, just used this to transfer all my looms from my P2P account to my F2P account. Going to work on doing scrolls for 5.4, should be good with the same enchants 24's will have.

I don't get how you did this, your F2P account still can't use mail right? So how can you transfer your looms and enchants?
The trial can't be used on Starter Editions. And the point of pure F2P disappears when a P2P helped you get otherwise inacessible stuff.

Not for Lofi's top 100 F2P achievement list if you want to be showing account wide achievements. If a P2P player helps you then it's still legit, but link your account and you'll have to display character only achievements.

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