gearing f2p rogue. spec question.

Good point. I must have run into issues when sapping multiple targets to slow down EFC support.

I did try nightstalker for a few matches and felt like I was always waiting on energy in stealth.

So I guess it really comes down to 20% extra speed for mobility + 25% extra opening damage, vrs always starting with a full energy bar after an amubsh.


Pretty much. And either is viable, although i prefer Nightstalker at the moment. Subterfuge is very good with subtlety just not so much for the other specs imo.
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I've found subterfuge incredibly powerful as Assassination, actually. The extended energy pool means you can land the back-to-back ambushes instantly. I've made many a FC go "Wtf happened?!" with 1100 damage in two seconds with that, whereas as sub you'd have to wait until the tail end of the buff for the second shot (which is scary)
If we could still eviscerate as Assassination I think I would play mutilate more. Envenom frankly doesn't do a lot of damage, and the amount of crit we lose for not having sinister calling just doesn't seem worth it.
I've found subterfuge incredibly powerful as Assassination, actually. The extended energy pool means you can land the back-to-back ambushes instantly. I've made many a FC go "Wtf happened?!" with 1100 damage in two seconds with that, whereas as sub you'd have to wait until the tail end of the buff for the second shot (which is scary)

So instead of waiting two seconds (for energyregen) you wait one second for gcd. But you lose the stronger follow up ambush which ignores armor as well as a chance to eviscerate at 70 % reduced armor. And just eviscerate in general. To me the burst sounds worse, but tbh I haven't tried the combo.
I've found subterfuge incredibly powerful as Assassination, actually. The extended energy pool means you can land the back-to-back ambushes instantly. I've made many a FC go "Wtf happened?!" with 1100 damage in two seconds with that, whereas as sub you'd have to wait until the tail end of the buff for the second shot (which is scary)

Respecing is cheap and I have nothing better to do with the gold so sounds like something fun to try. I already have twin wickeds so I should be OK there.

Evis doesn't seem to be missing on the WoW talent calc page? Is it disabled or just not as worthwhile with daggers?

I haven't delved too far into other specs since coming back after MoP. Just jumped back into the comfort of sub :D

guide to taking out a tough fc as nightstalker subt.

open on them when they are on way to flag. (if u see somebody named efc, bendandcough, kibbies or anyone with a high chance of fcing )
because it is likely they will fc just get 3 combo points on them then run off . they probably wont persue you cause they are going for flag.

dont open on anyone else so that you keep you combo points on them .

mozzy you way down to the zerker hut .

mozzy on down to center mid field.

if you see your teamate going for efc go join them if not head to ally tunnel and get near speed boost.

open on efc for a instant ambush evis and lol when u hit for over 2k . (zerker required)
Respecing is cheap and I have nothing better to do with the gold so sounds like something fun to try. I already have twin wickeds so I should be OK there.

Evis doesn't seem to be missing on the WoW talent calc page? Is it disabled or just not as worthwhile with daggers?

I haven't delved too far into other specs since coming back after MoP. Just jumped back into the comfort of sub :D


Evis gets replaced by Envenom in Muti spec, which is inferior to Evis thus making muti a worse spec. Although i do like the burst of poisons.

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