gearing f2p rogue. spec question.


got everything except those serra kis bands. Randoms never seem to want to go out of the way. How does combat fair? would like to try it out once I've garnered enough points for the boa sword but wondering if I should bother. Or if there are any sufficient non BoA 1hs that would work well for a test run.
Schwinke @ Sen'jin - Community - World of Warcraft
seing as the boa is the only 2.8 speed wep you can get it would be the most accurate way to see what ur damage is going to be like . keep in mind you can always sell it back if you dont like it .
We need a rogue guide because there are always rogue questions on here. Someone should take that up because the one in the guide section is horribly outdated and just plain hard to read.
Combat seems perfectly fine if you have a pocket healer, or a druid any spec playing with you to keep you up. I suggest stacking agility>hit>stam>crit.

The talent you choose is up to your play style, I personally choose nightstalker for my rogues, but shadowfocus would allow you to save 45 energy on your initial ambush (assuming 1.5 sec GCD, and 10 energy per sec).

Keep in mind expertise racial's when choosing your spec.
I actually play a combat rogue, and i think its great.

even though you lose find weakness its still possible to crit into the 1k+(im not even close to 100% geared) with eviscerate

the main thing that makes combat rogues great however is ambidexterity this skill boost damage a ton, and its applied all the time( i mean who doesnt love 75% off hand damage)

vitality is ok however not really great but still a bonus( the subt passive is way better because you get a ton of crit and dodge)

oh and if you want to just try it out you can use the honor swords ( they are slow 2.7 attack speed) or you could use almost any of the deadmines swords( slow, and some give agility and or crit) buzzsaw, cruelbarb, blackwater cutlass

my rogue Lidrelys @ Aerie Peak - Community - World of Warcraft

and with talents i really don't think that there is 1 best talent.
you can choose on your play style
however if you are super geared i would go with night stalker, because your damage is so high, and extra movement speeds helps in catching those droodz

if you are not geared then i would probably go shadow focus for the extra burst damage.

subterfuge is "meh" though in my opinion for a combat rogue.
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Toews @ Executus - Community - World of Warcraft

Pretty straight-forward class. I wish mine was a Night Elf. And I don't see why anyone would want to role one during 5.1 unless you enjoy being peeled like a banana.

Gearing is even easier since MoP because you don't need to chase down a Doomspike or Foreman's Gloves now that all daggers (with exception to the Justice heirloom dagger which is a piece of sh*t) are 1.80 attack speed (Doomspike was 1.40 during Cataclysm) and that we no longer have Gouge. The only rare item we need to chase is the Ring of Precision (I wouldn't bother making a Horde rogue).

I suggest stacking agility>hit>stam>crit.

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Aerer - My rogue, it isn't great since i'm not using any class specialization however it gets the job done... also i like long walks on the beasch and fondling the horde roof while chasing kibbies in circles until one of us falls off <3

Also i'd recommend farming Thistle tea for any rogue it's amazing, especially when used in a 1v1 scenario where you're going toe to toe with an overconfident FC <3

anyways good luck everyone play safe and stay within the shadows.
My horde rogue is decently geared and in a fairly level/skilled match I can be effective and useful.

I Highly recommend shadow focus though. Chances that 15% movement and 25% extra damage are going to make or break a match, are fairly low. Chances that endless energy for saps can make or break a match are quite high. Saplocking a FC healer can make a retrieve happen. 15% movement speed isn't going to do crap against a druid. Intercepting an FC is all about midfield positioning and good communication so you know where to intercept.

That's my couple pennies. :D

So to clear a bit up:


Best burst (with Subtlety-spec), good sap-locking utility (sapping a healer at the efc, then resapping just before it wears off as long as you can), makes for nice combos with Thistle Tea for infinite energy ;)


Good utility for any spec - if you are the type of rogue playing more in stealth than mounting to get to an efc/node, totally go for it, if not, you can still consider it, it's not like it's useless


REALLY good diversion for getting some dmg on an efc (Sub-Sub to go here imo) and his/her healer, if you're a nelf, you can get 3 ambushes out on that efc (thistle tea and shadowmeld obviously) 2 of them affected by "Find Weakness" (which makes for HIGH dmg with an ambush crit and a 5cb-evis after that)
It's 20% and it can help even against a Druid, they arent always in travelling form (in doors they cant for instance) Not sure what you mean by sap locking?

Saplocking is sapping until immune, due to diminishing returns. So 8 sec + 4 sec + 2 sec. If they don't bubble or trinket that can mean a dead FC, if they do bubble, then at least you burned their bubble, if they trinket then you can re-sap if it wasn't the last of the 3.

20% can be useful but with the mobility tools of druids, it would take a bad druid to get caught because you have the speed bonus. A smart druid FC goes GY or Ramp to take max advantage of travel form. They can shift out, pop a hot, and shift back to remove your crip poison, and moonfire you to keep you in combat, even stop to root you if they have the time.

You generate 10 energy per second, so saplocking as you call it gets no real benefit from shadow focus.

Good point. I must have run into issues when sapping multiple targets to slow down EFC support.

I did try nightstalker for a few matches and felt like I was always waiting on energy in stealth.

So I guess it really comes down to 20% extra speed for mobility + 25% extra opening damage, vrs always starting with a full energy bar after an amubsh.


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