This can of course pertain 19s 29s 39s 49s etc. but I'm most interested in 39s and 29s.
I'm curious about gear to be on the lookout for on the Burning Crusade Classic servers as we move to Wrath. This would include stuff that had its drop rate lowered, or grandfathered, etc. etc.
I'm also reading that LFG will be turned off for some reason, which I guess also means no satchel gear. I don't quite get this particular change.
I'm curious about gear to be on the lookout for on the Burning Crusade Classic servers as we move to Wrath. This would include stuff that had its drop rate lowered, or grandfathered, etc. etc.
I'm also reading that LFG will be turned off for some reason, which I guess also means no satchel gear. I don't quite get this particular change.