Gear and Enchant advice

Im only wearing 3 pieces and the weapon of ther full titanforged set my warrior has so I tihnk theres a strong chance that there would be more desirable alternative gear f0r every other class...pieces with haste come to mind
A lot of times it will depend on which secondaries you want to go with. For arms I would go with str > verse > crit > haste. Primary stats tend to be worth 2-3 verse (in terms of damage) depending on the class/spec. Add in the damage reduction portion and verse is pretty good.
  • Only the full titanforged (ilvl 30) helm might be comparable to the master engineer's goggles. Which is kinda sad since its the only crit/verse invasion piece for warriors. So get that enchanting up.
  • Neck you probably want the verse heirloom.
  • BoA (crit) shoulders with enchant are 7str/7crit vs yours which are 5str/4verse/4haste. The 4verse we'll say makes up for the missing 2 str, so switching to the BoAs is basically trading 4 haste for 7 crit.
  • Cloak can be replaced with sporid cape for an easy upgrade. Probably gift of verse?
  • Chest is fine until you get a BG crate chest with verse/crit. Throw glorious stats on there.
  • Collarspike bracers are probably best here (until BG crate). Rift bracers are also better than what you have. Get either +3 str or +2 stats enchant.
  • Gloves of graymane wall are going to be better than invasion here. With 4str enchant.
  • Dungeon satchel belt with crit/verse is probably better than invasion.
  • BoA (crit) heirloom with leg armor is going to be best here. 9str/10crit > 7str/5crit/5haste and the 2 extra stam.
  • BG crate boots with verse/crit are going to be best here. Invasion should do fine until then, tho savage trodders are a solid upgrade. Minor Speed works with gift to cloak to give 12% movespeed. Or you can do boar's speed (or similar) for 10% movespeed (since it doesn't stack with cloak enchant) and 2 stam.
  • Rings should be Demon Band x2 probably. The rings you have now are fine until you find them. Throw cheap +1 verse enchants on here.
  • Defending/Returning Champion are going to be the best trinkets if you have them.
  • Inherited insignia and Inherited mark of tyranny are good options as well. Touch of the void is pure verse for offense if you have it.
  • Damn that weapon is nice. Emil's brand (ilvl 32) is better if you have it, but other than that its the next best GFd option. The mastery doesn't do anything at our level, but the high weapon damage (and 2 extra str) is worth it. Throw crusader on it.

So unfortunately, most of that invasion gear isn't BiS. Most of it is solid enough, but you really need the warforged pieces for them to be really good. Keep a few pieces until you get the BG crate options (which can take forever due to RNG). Run a bunch of dungeons for the other pieces. I think Skullsplitter is considered the best talent for arms.

For fury warriors (which are less reliable but still fun, especially with a pocket healer) - haste is a much more viable stat. So don't throw any of that invasion gear away.

Hope that helps.

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