Games like this are not fun

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Emelianenko said:
Kokayne dawkinz ain't NOTHIN

Well you were clearly having hallucinations, most commonly associated with mental illness, Mushrooms or LSD. I was simply trying to give you the benefit of the doubt on this one.
Donteventrii said:
Dodge number two. When would you like to set the dates for DetoX's exodus and MB's entrance?

That's right, you weren't playing 29s. Who were you speaking with on Real-id? I'm guess their biased perspective and that anecdotal evidence makes you an expert on the happening of 29s?

Lol. Its ok amigo. I just answered your question for you. I'd be happy to link the many forum posts about horde having the advantage, but the threads have been deleted. I'm sure you knew that. I never claimed to be an expert. Show me where I state that. Who I was speaking to on Realid is not really your buisness. Wouldn't want you to try and bully those people as well.

I would say twice is on the high side. You can make whatever excuses that you want. I'm just pointing out that you have little credibility, because of your record. So lets go with 3 weeks. Your number. In 9 game nights with lets say 5 plus games on the low end. That's 45 games. Horde probably won 25-30 of them. You only went alliance 2-3 games? Like I said credibility.
Mongro said:
That book is awful. Just goes to show that people will try to read into anything.

Its the context of the book that I was speaking of. Kind of went over your head I guess. No big deal didn't think everyone would get the reference.
You seem like good people Bonopo

Thank you for the kind words. Hopefully there are many more to be shared amongst all parties in this discussion. : )

Heh last night i said screw it after being in 2 terrible games. Why play terrible games when i can play other games that are funner. Last night the horde sucked and had randoms and the allies had us outmatched, i could tell at the start of both of them that we were screwed.

What made games too terrible to play? How did the alliance team have you out matched? Were there conditions that would not have improved over the course of the night if more skilled players had shown up on horde?

I think that's a little misconstrued. An overabundance of hunters is certainly overpowered.

I think it's only fair to say that an over abundance of any class is going to be overpowered. I am not sure that we should confine that term to Hunters alone, since there are more ways than one in which a class can present itself as 'over powered.'

It's a combination of skill and class. Both are factors. As I said, three half geared Hunters that are not in vent and not coordinating are a very different than three geared Hunters coordinating targets and CC in vent with the rest of their team.

We can avoid this from happening. Rubikz, Lrig, and Pizza do not *have* to queue on Hunters with an already stacked team. They *choose* to do so. This choice is detrimental to skill balance and, consequently, Horde morale. If the Horde team is down a player, one of these three could *choose* to sit, instead of allowing a Warrior to sit. As well, they could *choose* not to queue at all, knowing that there are other Hunters already in queue. They could *choose* to play different characters, or, dare I say it, hop to the other faction to try to balance skill.

I have nothing wrong with losing, but getting rolled to the point of being unable to get across mid is a different matter. When the skill is that consistently imbalanced, it's detrimental to the health of the bracket. When I see that Horde are going to roll the Alliance based off my realid, I volunteer to go Alliance and ask 1-2 friends to join me to balance skill levels. I realize I may very well lose in the effort. But to me, and for the bracket, it's much better to lose a close game, than to steam roll a win.

Before I respond to the content of this post, I have to inform you that it seems as though you are taking a lot of this conversation extremely personally. Is there something more going on here between yourself and these players? My apologies, I just find it difficult to understand why some of your statements attempt to qualify such irrationality.

That said, I am not sure it's up to the alliance team to compensate for any lack of skill on the other team's part. While I would certainly agree that too many of a class is a bad thing for games, based on the screen shot in your original post, that particular Horde team seems just as guilty of class stacking.

I would like to see any screen shots from other games that you have where one side completely steam rolled (relative terms).

Additionally, I wonder if those players you mentioned, Lrig, Rubikz, and Pizza (didn't see Pizza in the SS by that name, I can only assume it was Shwingshwong) even have horde characters to begin making any sort of decision to compensate for a lack of skill on the Horde side.

Even so, it sounds as though you expect the other team to compensate for your teams lack of skill, without any action on your part as a team. If the Alliance team is looking for a challenge (which is consistent for anyone's reason for twinking these days) why is it only reasonable to expect them to compensate for your teams shortcomings?

I would think that it's the responsibility of the Horde to step up their game to meet the challenge the Alliance players set forth. If it's a matter of coordination and teamwork, then I think it's important for the Horde to address that as a team and do what's necessary to fix it. Likewise, the same holds true if it is a comp issue.

A lot of the other posts since I posted last are filled with animosity, so my apologies if I did not respond to them.
Lol. Its ok amigo. I just answered your question for you. I'd be happy to link the many forum posts about horde having the advantage, but the threads have been deleted. I'm sure you knew that. I never claimed to be an expert. Show me where I state that. Who I was speaking to on Realid is not really your buisness. Wouldn't want you to try and bully those people as well.[/quote]

Or you have players that were present during that time offer evidence. Your realid contact is part of that evidence. By not offering one up, you lack credibility.

soskanky said:
I would say twice is on the high side. You can make whatever excuses that you want. I'm just pointing out that you have little credibility, because of your record. So lets go with 3 weeks. Your number. In 9 game nights with lets say 5 plus games on the low end. That's 45 games. Horde probably won 25-30 of them. You only went alliance 2-3 games? Like I said credibility.

My Alliance Mage was only finished in the MB era. Since then, most games are largely one sided in favor of the Alliance. That's why I haven't been playing Alliance. I want you to pick two dates and let me look up with Horde win/loss ratios that I played in. We can then throw out your abysmal guestimation.
Bonopo said:
Thank you for the kind words. Hopefully there are many more to be shared amongst all parties in this discussion. : )

What made games too terrible to play? How did the alliance team have you out matched? Were there conditions that would not have improved over the course of the night if more skilled players had shown up on horde?

I think it's only fair to say that an over abundance of any class is going to be overpowered. I am not sure that we should confine that term to Hunters alone, since there are more ways than one in which a class can present itself as 'over powered.'

Before I respond to the content of this post, I have to inform you that it seems as though you are taking a lot of this conversation extremely personally. Is there something more going on here between yourself and these players? My apologies, I just find it difficult to understand why some of your statements attempt to qualify such irrationality.

That said, I am not sure it's up to the alliance team to compensate for any lack of skill on the other team's part. While I would certainly agree that too many of a class is a bad thing for games, based on the screen shot in your original post, that particular Horde team seems just as guilty of class stacking.

I would like to see any screen shots from other games that you have where one side completely steam rolled (relative terms).

Additionally, I wonder if those players you mentioned, Lrig, Rubikz, and Pizza (didn't see Pizza in the SS by that name, I can only assume it was Shwingshwong) even have horde characters to begin making any sort of decision to compensate for a lack of skill on the Horde side.

Even so, it sounds as though you expect the other team to compensate for your teams lack of skill, without any action on your part as a team. If the Alliance team is looking for a challenge (which is consistent for anyone's reason for twinking these days) why is it only reasonable to expect them to compensate for your teams shortcomings?

I would think that it's the responsibility of the Horde to step up their game to meet the challenge the Alliance players set forth. If it's a matter of coordination and teamwork, then I think it's important for the Horde to address that as a team and do what's necessary to fix it. Likewise, the same holds true if it is a comp issue.

A lot of the other posts since I posted last are filled with animosity, so my apologies if I did not respond to them.

Before I read this, I'm just going to call troll based on this being a fresh account, you saying you are "new", and taking time to preach with a benevolently sarcastic tone.
Definitely a troll with a benevolently sarcastic tone, so I'm not going to waste too much time with a response.

If MB has started an afk war with Alliance randoms, they have migrated to Horde. Exo is case in point. He is absolutely terrible on his Mage. He goes from bringing down the collective skill on Alliance team, to bringing down the collective skill of Horde because MB afks him out of games at every chance. Toast legitimized this claim in vent last night.

Horde now have a bunch of randoms, a few decent players that aren't used to premading or calling targets/cc/interrupts in vent, and myself. When Val and Symb are in vent, they also call these things. How do you suggest that I force the Horde to get better at this? And that's just for the people that get in vent and have a mic! Then there are those without a mic, and those on Horde that don't get in vent, and those on Horde with no gear.

It's lose, lose, lose in every way. The only way to fix this is to get bads to roll Alliance to mix up the queues with MB. Yes Lrig has a Horde. Others from MB do as well. Pizza is a parasite in every bracket. Not going to ask much out of him.
Come now, tell me those posts don't read exactly like willyshatner.

Am I a magician?
Ohai said:
Come now, tell me those posts don't read exactly like willyshatner.

Am I a magician?

I was thinking Willy or Kow trying to be a little more subtle this time. Willy is never away from the computer for this long, and he posts in the exact same long winded manner.
Donteventrii said:
Before I read this, I'm just going to call troll based on this being a fresh account, you saying you are "new", and taking time to preach with a benevolently sarcastic tone.

You would be mistaken to assume I speak with any degree of sarcasm or benevolence in my posts. If you have the time to check up on my account activity, you might see that I am indeed new to the bracket, and I wish to roll a character here. I am merely trying to take part in this discussion to gain a better understanding of this bracket, as opposed to others I could play in. After all, if I am going to embark on a new endeavor, why would I do so blindly?

It seems as though we may become teammates, so it might be in our best interest to come to an understanding of one another.
Donteventrii said:
Lol. Its ok amigo. I just answered your question for you. I'd be happy to link the many forum posts about horde having the advantage, but the threads have been deleted. I'm sure you knew that. I never claimed to be an expert. Show me where I state that. Who I was speaking to on Realid is not really your buisness. Wouldn't want you to try and bully those people as well.

Or you have players that were present during that time offer evidence. Your realid contact is part of that evidence. By not offering one up, you lack credibility.

My Alliance Mage was only finished in the MB era. Since then, most games are largely one sided in favor of the Alliance. That's why I haven't been playing Alliance. I want you to pick two dates and let me look up with Horde win/loss ratios that I played in. We can then throw out your abysmal guestimation.[/QUOTE]

You're friend with me on realid, scroll through my friends and see how many 29s are on there. I'm not going to give you names so you can e-bully them. Your dates are after Detox left and MB rolled as a group. Didn't think that was hard to figure out champ. And going through screen shots wont city it as I'm sure you weren't in every game. As far as my credibility, its not in question. Yours is. Nice tactic to divert attention away from that. Dodge.

You were calling for faction balance during the detox era. Where was your Magellan then))))))
Donteventrii said:
I was thinking Willy or Kow trying to be a little more subtle this time. Willy is never away from the computer for this long, and he posts in the exact same long winded manner.

I didn't think Willy was good with computers though. He was helping Daydra fix hers in the other thread. Still, it's a bit odd to get this immersed before making a character and his word choices are curious. Either way, I'm enjoying this approach so far.
How does seeing that your friends with even 10 current 29s mean anything? You could have recently added them. Perhaps they weren't active during that time. Or maybe they never even talked to you about it. If you just said who it was, they might back up your claim. Or they would refute your words making you look dumb. I can't see any reason for not posting it, other than to troll me. Either way, the onus of providing evidence is on yourself.
Bonopo said:
You would be mistaken to assume I speak with any degree of sarcasm or benevolence in my posts. If you have the time to check up on my account activity, you might see that I am indeed new to the bracket, and I wish to roll a character here. I am merely trying to take part in this discussion to gain a better understanding of this bracket, as opposed to others I could play in. After all, if I am going to embark on a new endeavor, why would I do so blindly?

It seems as though we may become teammates, so it might be in our best interest to come to an understanding of one another.

Staff can track your Ip address FYI. Posting on multiple accounts to gain the edge in an argument is trolling.
Bonopo said:
I think it's only fair to say that an over abundance of any class is going to be overpowered. I am not sure that we should confine that term to Hunters alone, since there are more ways than one in which a class can present itself as 'over powered.'

this has willyshatner written all over it

@Mongro Willy also offered Daydra computer help via skype the same as this "other" guy, it's painfully obvious who he is and this mod has pretty much confirmed it

edit- im slow to post i got beaten by two of you >.<
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