"Game hates me" CONFIRMED.


Some of you kids may remember me if you played on reckoning during season 8-9. We had the rank one 2s team for almost two seasons, and the highest Priest Rogue team US for a long time.

Well I'm back after a long break from this shit game...

Anyway to the point of the thread:

I posted maybe a few months ago that this game hated me because I had run BT on my Rogue for about 7 months maybe more (running it every week) with out seeing a single glaive drop.

Well I finally got to see one drop... while running it on my priest. The OH glaive droped which would of been BiS for my Rogue.... and I got to watch a ****ing random backpedaling 85 DK with shit gear master loot it to himself and then say to the raid:

" Wow this is nice.. To bad I don't even play this toon. "

He then backpedaled his way to the other side of the room, ported to SW, and logged.

The rest of the items were unlootable.

Sorry for the rage thread but I had to tell someone about my amazing first day back.

yeah this is an image board now
Well OH glaive is not BiS, get the offhand from sunwell with 2 sockets and use the KJ dagger as your MH, those are both BiS glaives, just look cool

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