Future President of 19s?


Hello all and sorry for making so much threads but I've figured. More thread = more drama = more activity.
Anyway, when horde are lacking me smull and a couple others log to balance games. But why does no one(asides lightdude) do that for alliance ? You all complain there is not activity maybe there is no activity because no one listens to the other. I'm not gonna joke around but look we need a president of 19s EU. So I have decided why not make a poll which will be made after this. The rules for president
* must help bracket at all times
* no emoticons /spit.
* try not to rage quit ( I must work on this myself )
* be online for games 95% of the time.
* if a bug happens as in like gems that happened ages ago and 500 int thing you cannot use glitches either.
Post who you think below
If you think is a bad idea or good idea
- Mark ( this is just the beginning )
Hello all and sorry for making so much threads but I've figured. More thread = more drama = more activity.
Anyway, when horde are lacking me smull and a couple others log to balance games. But why does no one(asides lightdude) do that for alliance ? You all complain there is not activity maybe there is no activity because no one listens to the other. I'm not gonna joke around but look we need a president of 19s EU. So I have decided why not make a poll which will be made after this. The rules for president
* must help bracket at all times
* no emoticons /spit.
* try not to rage quit ( I must work on this myself )
* be online for games 95% of the time.
* if a bug happens as in like gems that happened ages ago and 500 int thing you cannot use glitches either.
Post who you think below
If you think is a bad idea or good idea
- Mark ( this is just the beginning )

Cause the Boas for my horde toons will take ages to locate xD
Will try and kit a horde sham or druid tho, think that's all I Got on horde atm.

But yea good idea, We need a new leader calling out numbers etc so we know when to log etc, nice initiative quack, I can't do it tho as im not always on that much, and I can't figure out who is who on my rID list anymore ;)
Cause the Boas for my horde toons will take ages to locate xD
Will try and kit a horde sham or druid tho, think that's all I Got on horde atm.

But yea good idea, We need a new leader calling out numbers etc so we know when to log etc, nice initiative quack, I can't do it tho as im not always on that much, and I can't figure out who is who on my rID list anymore ;)
You were one of the people I would've voted for. Ah well.
I nominate kiri, for prime minister. Me for secretary of defense, and quack has Gordon Brown.
I nominate kiri, for prime minister. Me for secretary of defense, and quack has Gordon Brown.

I second this, and ya'll better agree or suffer my dictatorship, and get deported to gulag mines. I'm such a born leader lol ;)
I nominate kiri, for prime minister. Me for secretary of defense, and quack has Gordon Brown.

Btw saint, you should totally come to official pvp forums, and troll Russians with me, great entertainment ;)
Not sure a poll is the right way to go about this...

We'll need to divide EU into zones with each one having an independant vote counter. Then maybe we can hold an election-style system to be the most democratic about electing our one true leader without TL fixing the votes!
* must help bracket at all times
* no emoticons /spit.
* try not to rage quit ( I must work on this myself )
* be online for games 95% of the time.
* if a bug happens as in like gems that happened ages ago and 500 int thing you cannot use glitches either.

This smells like Seb/Lightdude, he probably got everyone at realid/btag , he only rage quit when he's internet is fucked, not rude at all, helpfull and really active although he's rarly on ti. :)

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