Fury warrior enchants?

So I log on for the first time in well over a year to a twink and everything has changed drastically.

I am now dual wielding my shadowfangs regardless of them being BiS or not...just because I wear em like my prebc title. (they look metal as hell too.) I miss the shadow damage, that was so great for the BoP and bandaging paladin.

So what are the optimal enchants? I am thinking Lifestealing+15str, or dual LS because it sounds like healing certainly helps in this new bracket.

Currently I have LS/Crus, can't decide which on to switch out.

I would love if someone could look over my armory and tell me what all has changed, I am going for 2 demon bands for hit, fishing hat is not an option for me. What all new items are there? I've looked over other threads and it seems like no one really agrees on what the "best" is yet.

The World of Warcraft Armory - Gnomedepot @ Spirestone - Profile

Hi from Buhbles if anyone here is a battlegroundforums.com vet.
I tried 15Str+15Str and dual Crusader a long time. Both seems to be very equal. On my char dual 15Str did ~170dps, dual Crusader ~180dps. Atm I prefer the stable dmg of 15Str 2 times.
since you dont have any attacks that swing your offhand, id say go sader(or LS.. i'd lean sader) MH and 15str offhand.
Spacegoát said:
I had been questioning Fiery Wep? seeing as there was a phase where Rogues used is.

fiery is ok, you get pretty consistant procs, sometimes rng decides to be nice and you get some back to back. Overall, i think you get more benefit now from STR because your instants are AP based, it'd be silly to not use an enchant that really boosted the effectiveness of your abilities. so yes, double sader or sader mh/15str off, or double 15 str.

whichever you choose you cant really go wrong.
so LS is out of the running now? I always thought LS beat the crap out of fiery.

I am gonna go 15str OH for sure. prolly on a barb, I am gonna wait to get into a BG before I decide which fang I am gonna keep enchanted as it is.

IS it true they're merging all the battlegroups or is that a wishful thinking rumor...
Gnomedepot said:
so LS is out of the running now? I always thought LS beat the crap out of fiery.

it would if fiery didnt have a crit chance. it can crit for 60 (normal 40) personally i still think its better than fiery for a long fight, but i dont have the math to back that up, just situational use. it also depends on the character.
it doesnt crit all that often though, and i still think some healing is better than none. I'll slap fiery on a cruel barb and see what works out better before I decide to chant my fangs.

Can I get a link to where they said they were gonna merge em? all google brings back is forum threads
Gnomedepot said:
it doesnt crit all that often though, and i still think some healing is better than none. I'll slap fiery on a cruel barb and see what works out better before I decide to chant my fangs.

Can I get a link to where they said they were gonna merge em? all google brings back is forum threads

certainly, even though its already been posted 3 times in 2 other threads on the forum and on the sites front page ^^


Lylirra said:
To facilitate better matchmaking for the Whirlwind and Emberstorm Battlegroups, players on the following realms will now have a chance to be matched together when using the Dungeon Finder or the Random Battleground system.


Anub'arak, Blackwater Raiders, Bladefist, Cenarion Circle, Cenarius, Darrowmere, Echo Isles, Fenris, Hyjal, Korialstrasz, Lightbringer, Maiev, Misha, Ravenholdt, Shu'halo, Sisters of Elune, The Forgotten Coast, Uther, Vashj, Winterhoof


Antonidas, Borean Tundra, Cairne, Drak'Tharon, Drenden, Farstriders, Garrosh, Hydraxis, Mok'Nathal, Moon Guard, Nazgrel, Nordrassil, Quel'dorei, Rivendare, Shandris, Tortheldrin, Wyrmrest Accord

We feel this change will reduce wait times and provide players on these realms with a more enjoyable dungeon and Battleground experience. While Whirlwind and Emberstorm are currently the only Battlegroups sharing a matchmaking pool, we expect to link all Battlegroups within a region once we've determined the effectiveness of this change within these first two Battlegroups.

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