Fury warrior damage (vet)

Hmm ok that's great but I'm just curious, would it be better for one wep to have crusader and the other wep ele force? Or just go double crusader?

I'd go double sader personally.
This is what I am doing atm for my fury warrior - Versatility enchantments, 47 Haste(in Battlegrounds) then max crit. All I need is Demon Band and my set is complete. Doing at least 47 haste so that I can use Bloodthirst at least two times during Enrage's 8 second duration. Basically it gives me two chances to maintain enrage after it's already up(Reduces Bloodthirst CD to 4.0 Seconds)
Çër @ Aerie Peak - Community - World of Warcraft

I am also going to farm me two Strike of the Hydra - Item - World of Warcraft and do some testing on the proc rate.
So Far, it looks like it increases your damage done by 9.5%-15% depending on how much armor the person you are hitting has(clothie-Tank) due to Diminishing Returns on armor.
No idea if the proc rate works similarly to Crusader or if it is RPPM.

what is the belt for haste fury warrior? boots? cloak? wrists? gloves? ring?

i play human. Is good to equip the haste tricket?

thank you.

what is the belt for haste fury warrior? boots? cloak? wrists? gloves? ring?

i play human. Is good to equip the haste tricket?

thank you.

The belt from Lord Cobrahn in WC if im not mistaken. Cloack= the one from BFD. Boots=Boots of the hero/savage todders. Wrists = The one from first boss in rfc. Gloves =TBG(thorbias gauntles) or he ones that drop in Stocades. Ring = DPR (and the one in hillsbrad, questing witch i at this moment forgot the name).
So tested out dual Strike of the Hydra. The proc rate is identical to crusaders. It's a flat 10-15% dmg increase that lasts 30 seconds. Using a swap weapon macro to toggle back and forth, this is easily a must-have.
So tested out dual Strike of the Hydra. The proc rate is identical to crusaders. It's a flat 10-15% dmg increase that lasts 30 seconds. Using a swap weapon macro to toggle back and forth, this is easily a must-have.

What item swap macro are you using? :)

/someone who's terrible at making macros...
I use this to swap weapons:

1) Set separate equipment sets to the two(+) weapon/enchant variables you want to switch between. for example on my enhancement I use a switch macro between landslide and ele force for when I get landslide proc (it remains after):

Ele Force = ELE
Landslide = LS

2) Make a macro for each that looks like this:

#showtooltip "wepname"
/equipset LS


#showtooltip "wep name"
/equipset ELE

this macro is particularly useful for switching between the same weapon type, as a normal /equipslot macro can not differentiate between the same names.

I am gearing my fury warrior now - it's simply more fun. I don't think people should shrug off SMF without testing it to be quite honest... Quite simply the two talents are very close at end game and we know full well that our bracket reacts differently for all manner of different variables. I couldn't provide any theorycrafting yet as I haven't looked into it but the best way would simply be to test the two.
Yes it can. It's basically like crit but instead it is an additional 30% damage as a second source. I personally wouldn't use it over versatility. It's a 10% chance to proc an additional 30% that also has a chance to crit. Versus a flatline 10% increase on your damage/healing and 5% dmg reduction.

But if you wanted to increase the chance of proccing crusader and strike of hydra, ms is not a bad idea, assuming it actually procs during a fight. And it's additional rage if you're in battle stance.

If you have good rng and proc wildstrike at the beginning of fight, it won't matter if ms procs or not. They will be in execute range
I actually didn't realize crit damage changed from 200% to 150%... now I'm considering completely prioritizing haste over crit (with versatility being the main priority). I wonder if anyone still thinks crit is superior over haste
I actually didn't realize crit damage changed from 200% to 150%... now I'm considering completely prioritizing haste over crit (with versatility being the main priority). I wonder if anyone still thinks crit is superior over haste

You already have a flatline 40% chance to crit with Bloodthirst on top of any additional Crit chance you already have. All Haste does (for abilities) is give you more Chances-per-minute of getting a wild strike proc. And lets face it, Wild Strike procs are our bread and butter of RNG Burst Killing.

All Crit does for our abilities is increase the chance to maintain Enrage which also procs an additional 10 rage from it. But at the cost of having a larger Cooldown on Bloodthirst.
You already have a flatline 40% chance to crit with Bloodthirst on top of any additional Crit chance you already have. All Haste does (for abilities) is give you more Chances-per-minute of getting a wild strike proc. And lets face it, Wild Strike procs are our bread and butter of RNG Burst Killing.

All Crit does for our abilities is increase the chance to maintain Enrage which also procs an additional 10 rage from it. But at the cost of having a larger Cooldown on Bloodthirst.

One important point that isn't mentioned is the value of Wild Strike crits over non-crits. However, I do seem to think that going haste over crit may be superior partially due to increased rage generation for more Wild Strikes, Wild Strike procs, and possibly higher crusader uptime. I'm going to try to get the strike of the hydra weapons of which the proc may benefit from haste as well.

On a side note, does your twitch not have chat enabled? I checked it out once but didn't see a chat
You already have a flatline 40% chance to crit with Bloodthirst on top of any additional Crit chance you already have. All Haste does (for abilities) is give you more Chances-per-minute of getting a wild strike proc. And lets face it, Wild Strike procs are our bread and butter of RNG Burst Killing.

All Crit does for our abilities is increase the chance to maintain Enrage which also procs an additional 10 rage from it. But at the cost of having a larger Cooldown on Bloodthirst.

How come you changed your warrior over to "Arms"?
Was in the process of gearing my fury warrior and went to look at your gear and you were Arms spec -.- lol

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