Fury Warrior and Hit rating


So I'm almost done twinking my warrior just to realize I'm missing 4 hit to cap my Special Attacks... Now my question is if I should either replace Seal of Wrynn with a Simple Pearl Ring or replace both my Seal of Wrynn and Protector's Band with dual Demon Band. I'm leaning towards dual Demon, but I'm probably wrong. Currently I only have 1 hit from gear, from my BoA bow. And do you think hit rating past the yellow cap has any use for fury DW? Armory link here: The World of Warcraft Armory - Comedred @ Moonglade - Profile


- Comedred
Dual demon = BiS unless you wish to go for more stamina (personally as an alliance without seal of sylvanas, I'd prefer Demon Bands)

2 Demon bands:

8 Str, 4 Stam, 4 hit.

1 Sylvanas - 1 Simple pearl ring:

3 Str, 8 Stam, 4 hit.

As you can see, you get 4 more stamina but lose 5 str. So it's a matter of preference. Demon bands gives most stats, but you lose wearing 'a rare item' :)

Best regards,
Which stats has Piratering at lvl 19?
in your armoury link i cannot see your chest / shoulder slot. but to hit cap get spider's silk cloak and stained shadowcraft tunic or w/e its called. that combined with ur bow = hitcap. then u benefit from the ring stats still

so use protector's band and seal of wyrnn
Heädströng said:
in your armoury link i cannot see your chest / shoulder slot. but to hit cap get spider's silk cloak and stained shadowcraft tunic or w/e its called. that combined with ur bow = hitcap. then u benefit from the ring stats still

so use protector's band and seal of wyrnn

You dont need that much hit rating to cap a fury warrior. They have 3% passive hit when dual wielding.
ur all trash... bad bracket is bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

19 is dead u r noobs .¨

obvious garbage is obvious noobs noobs nooobs noobs nooobs noobs noobbs noobs noobs noobs noobs nooobs nooobs noobs noobs go play runescape or lord of rings u roleplayer noobs on forums hahhaha hwith pictures lol and gay irl hahahahahahahhahahahahahaha.......... i bet u r tiwnke cent teke death mins in solo one man only and i hav pwne u r all in wsg. nvm ur life noobs................

ur all trash... bad bracket is bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

19 is dead u r noobs .¨

obvious garbage is obvious noobs noobs nooobs noobs nooobs noobs noobbs noobs noobs noobs noobs nooobs nooobs noobs noobs go play runescape or lord of rings u roleplayer noobs on forums hahhaha hwith pictures lol and gay irl hahahahahahahha

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