Further Concentration of Twinks?

What do people think of further concentrating twinks to either one server or even 1 guild? might be interesting for premades. I would be willing to transfer a main as well to help fund a guild or guilds?
I like the current guild system if you are in a good guild you have a certain level of prestige for getting in. If you're in a bad guild sure your guild has a bad reputation but good players in bad guilds look even better in my opinion.
if you want to fund a guild you should make one to compete in the current system of guilds, there would be no way to effectively lead such a large guild and getting everyone to start over or transfer would be too hard.
it would ruin the fun if everyones in the same guild and not competing against eachother
Mehh inc shaky premades. Personally killing a premade w/ a pug>killing a pug w/ a premade.
tbh I dont get it..

Why would you want everybody on the same server / guild?

having everybody in the same guild would be bullshit to try and run, you couldnt have everybody participating in premades, and there would be SO much e-peen flexing and complaining about spots in the A- Team.

As well as the fact that everybody can just transfer to Ruin and get the same thing essentially, i.e TONNES of activity. But without the stupid confusion of having everybody on the same server and guild.
I dislike the majority of my WoW peers, not kidding. I would blow my fucking brains out having to deal with them.

One server would destory the twink economy, good luck getting AGM - and fishing would be fucking gay with 60000 twinks.
don't think there are 60,000 twinks. most of the people who transfered to ruin can premade but if you ask me most guilds are either very large with inexperience or large/small with inactives....
I think this has been talked about before, the AH would be total hell. If you were in twinkinfo the guild when it was open, you would understand what im talking about. Twisted Staffs for 500G, Redbeards for 150, Assassin Blades for 5k. It was terrible.
yeah I was thinking 1 server that way you could always have duels and premades going

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