Funding even more 29 twinks!!!

If you haven’t already heard, I’ve been funding a lot of 29 twinks for horde reckoning. Some fundees have been successful, and some have been…well…less than successful. Overall though I think the guild has gotten off to a great start, and has already gotten some solid 10v10 premades under our belt (with some mixed W’s and L’s). Since Detox and Sesame Street have xfered off Cyclone and Vindication to play against us, the competition has been great, and there are always people to Q with (sometimes too many lol).

Since funding each twink takes quite a bit of time, and gold out of my pocket, I’d like to be very specific of what I’m looking for this time around.

If you have a main in a raiding guild, or are very heavily entrenched in another twink guild, please don’t apply. I would like the new fundees to consider this their “main†guild, and if you have other obligations, we’re likely not going to be a good match. If you have financial issues, and might not be able to pay for your gamecard every couple months, please please please do not apply. I don’t want to fund twinks that will go inactive never to be played again a month from now. Also, I hate to say it, but if you work all the time, or have a family/children you need to take care of, then this prob isnt the thing for you either. Nothing against that, I think it’s great to have a family, but if you have kids you should be taking care of them, or being with your family, not playing wow all the time. Jobs are obviously ok, most of us have jobs, but if you have to work 50+ hours a week, you frankly just won’t have enough free time for this.

Most people reading this won’t be able to fit my criteria. I’m sorry about how selective I’m being, but I’ve had a lot of people simply waste a ton of my gold, mats, rare items, and most importantly time. It’s been frustrating to say the least, and I’m doing my best to avoid that situation in the future.

If you do, however, fit those criteria, I’m looking to fund 3-4 new people. Each toon will be fully geared with full runs/chants for BiS (except 8/8 monkey helm. And 7/6 gloves until I find better) Everyone will have 300 herb / 225 eng, and eventually an agm (theres a line).

I obviously can’t guarantee any spots in premades (though you’re bound to eventually make a 10v10), but I can guarantee there is a ton of great competition, and you will see players from detox/sesame street qing on the regular.

To apply, post a pic of your ui (doesn’t need to be fancy) and hop on skywall, make a lvl 1 toon, and pop in our vent for a bit. If you’ve applied in the past, let me know in your post, and I’ll take that into consideration, because there were a lot of great applicants before that I didn’t have room for at the time.

Please apply here in the main thread: World of Warcraft - English (NA) Forums -> Funding even more 29 twinks!!!

Hope to see some new faces around soon =)
what classes/specs are you currently looking for?
can you found my twink?

it s a level 29 perfect warrior

The realm is Spinebreaker and I am guild master there for a 29 twinks only.

One year ago I have organised a twink championship and I wana organise the second edition.

I kinda need a prepaid serial to start... :) intreasted in this?

For the horde!

P.S. - I don t have a main. My Twink 29 is my main and I ve farmed all gold with him!
CP are afraid that if he finance me with a prepaid I make a video in which I show how good I play with my keys or you are just afraid that I will gank you?

Don t worry, I never engage twink priests!
I saw your post on the Stormstrike forums, good luck :)
RC-ST. said:
CP are afraid that if he finance me with a prepaid I make a video in which I show how good I play with my keys or you are just afraid that I will gank you?

Don t worry, I never engage twink priests!

you've shown how good you are...not very good

you're using the term "gank" wrong unless your going to kill me with a higher level character which i doubt you can

thats because good priests wreck warriors..also im not even on the server hes talking about so how could do any of these things?
well, to be honest I don t suck at this dumb game.

I was at my friend yesturday to see some wow.

He was playing with a death knight.

Some q were intreasting... pwn a lot of sailors with a huge canon etc... but after that there was the still "kill 100 mobs or bring x object". I mean , a NPC level 80 or something is sending you 10 metres inside a castle full of level 50 mobs to bring a chain to make a soup... this is dumb.

So ok, I accept that you are far dumber and you integrate in this game better than me!
Hey, I'm not sure if you or anyone knows me but I have played in vengeance and bloodlust at 19, 29 and 39 for about 3 years now, mostly known by the characters vitamins or bingyr. I have premading experience and I have a recruit a friend account at the moment so if you are interested I would be more than willing to join you guys =].

Here's a picture of my UI and a pic of my team getting beat haha :
Hiya Fundingtwinks,

I must say this sounds like a very nice opportunity! I'm very tempted to apply however, I was just wondering if you had filled the spots already? If you have, is there any point in me applying anyway? Possibly for future consideration or whatever.

Also, what is with the UI posting? Are you just trying to ensure we keybind or something? Or are judging us on our addons? I ask this because yes I do keybind however I DON'T use that many addons anymore, just a few of the handier ones and the plain old boring Blizzard UI (went through a period of using tones of addons but they get on my nerves tbh).

If this UI is going to be a problem then please let me know and I'll create a new one before I submit my application. =)

Thanks for your time,

The Love Fool <3
Yes, the UI is so I can look over ppls keybinds, and no, the spots are not filled yet, so def apply still (in the main reck thread)

Also, RC-ST I dont think anyone in their right mind would fund you after your legendary

"keyboard turning > mouse turning" rant, as well as the tla > cm lulz.
RC's Confused me completley.

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