Full team Premades are a bust!!!! GM Chat inside!!


Hey guys i logged in after a stress filled day at work and when i got on my druid Ezcape!! i saw that we had some premades trying to get together and do wsg but with no prevail!! so i ws like ill Ticket the situation and was automatically messaged by a GM and here is how it goes :



So pretty much there is no help for us unless we do it the way we have been making 2 5man groups and simultaneously press que for what ever BGS
This is stupid. This goes to everyone, You don't PAY for the game, Not only will you not get attention to resolve F2P limitations, It makes the community look bad, and it's redundant.

You're not paying to play the game, quit asking for features, quit asking for there to be something done about farming, quit making threads like this, all of your problems could be solved by paying to play. You're turning a unique and challenging experience into, we just want to play the full game for free. Instead of settling with the fact that these are all things you'll have to deal with because you play for free.

To further elaborate because I know how dense SOME people on this forum can be.

We get farmed by alliance and horde, mostly over powered level 24 players, how can this issue be resolved?


We can't make full WSG premades, how can this issue be resolved?

You can't queue 10 players at a time with a paid account, AV enabler is very unreliable, but some people use that to sometimes achieve that.

People flame me when I make forum topics about this, how can this issue be resolved?

Accept the terms of free play and quit wasting peoples time with your whinny shit.

I don't like flaming, I'm not one to troll, but posts like this are the spawn of complete ignorance
Xeneth said:
This is stupid. This goes to everyone, You don't PAY for the game, Not only will you not get attention to resolve F2P limitations, It makes the community look bad, and it's redundant.

You're not paying to play the game, quit asking for features, quit asking for there to be something done about farming, quit making threads like this, all of your problems could be solved by paying to play. You're turning a unique and challenging experience into, we just want to play the full game for free. Instead of settling with the fact that these are all things you'll have to deal with because you play for free.

To further elaborate because I know how dense SOME people on this forum can be.

I don't like flaming, I'm not one to troll, but posts like this are the spawn of complete ignorance

It's cause of stupid people like you that make me not even want to visit forums like there. There are plenty of free to play games with way more features. So stop being ignorant.
Parfait said:
It's cause of stupid people like you that make me not even want to visit forums like there. There are plenty of free to play games with way more features. So stop being ignorant.

Ignorant? So ignorant isn't the OP basically saying "Oh thanks for the pizza friend, but go get me a coke to drink with it"? "Oh, the combo comes with free fries? How about a biscuit too?" Assuming your american so I'm hoping the food references hit a note.

I just get fed up when "free" isn't enough. You guys are trash.
can't you just have a p2p in the group and have them queue for the wargame on each side in a 10 man raid?

please correct me if i'm wrong....? this seems like a complete non-issue.
Xeneth said:
This is stupid. This goes to everyone, You don't PAY for the game, Not only will you not get attention to resolve F2P limitations, It makes the community look bad, and it's redundant.

You're not paying to play the game, quit asking for features, quit asking for there to be something done about farming, quit making threads like this, all of your problems could be solved by paying to play. You're turning a unique and challenging experience into, we just want to play the full game for free. Instead of settling with the fact that these are all things you'll have to deal with because you play for free.

To further elaborate because I know how dense SOME people on this forum can be.

I don't like flaming, I'm not one to troll, but posts like this are the spawn of complete ignorance

OK first i wasn't really complaining about anything and u flaming me about what i posted is lame. I posted it cause of what we been trying to do as a community and get premades for bgs when i came on and saw the ppl having trouble i was gonna see if we where doing anything wrong it to find out as F2p we cant do that. And i asked about the farming yes cause everyone here wants to know something about it yeah i don't like it and it but i deal with it and i don't want the full game free i like how the trail is set up i just put this up here for ppl to know what a gm has said to me and about the premades are a bust and we have to do what we been doing originality
Xeneth said:
Ignorant? So ignorant isn't the OP basically saying "Oh thanks for the pizza friend, but go get me a coke to drink with it"? "Oh, the combo comes with free fries? How about a biscuit too?" Assuming your american so I'm hoping the food references hit a note.

I just get fed up when "free" isn't enough. You guys are trash.

you're* American* (capitalize the A).

Ass.u.me less please.
Xeneth said:
Ignorant? So ignorant isn't the OP basically saying "Oh thanks for the pizza friend, but go get me a coke to drink with it"? "Oh, the combo comes with free fries? How about a biscuit too?" Assuming your american so I'm hoping the food references hit a note.

I just get fed up when "free" isn't enough. You guys are trash.

The post has nothing about me wanting anything else from them i just was showing ppl on here that we cant do premades simple all u want to do is flame when im trying to give info to the community
C O T U S said:
can't you just have a p2p in the group and have them queue for the wargame on each side in a 10 man raid?

please correct me if i'm wrong....? this seems like a complete non-issue.

COTUS all i know is the GM said to me that us doing premades bgs wasnt intended but if we find out a way to get it to work then by all means grats i know the group of guys and gals that was trying was working on it for an hour or so before i got on so i said i would ask a gm
stoppppp arguing, nobody cares

can you or can you not have a p2p player put everyone in a 10 man raid and queue against another p2p player in a 10 man raid for a wargame?

has this actually been tried? i don't want to hear if you "think" it's going to work, only if you have actually done it

STFU Xeneth you moron. We aren't paying because it wasn't worth paying for.

They fix -> We pay. In that order.

If you want to brown-nose Blizzard I suggest you **** off to the WoW forums along with the rest of the skill-less GY farming bads who can't appreciate a fair fight. Who knows, they might even make you MVPs if you get far enough up the dev's asses.

Multi-group queue-sych addon incoming.
Trust me, people from other country's don't capitalize america.

You know how you never hear any "good" racist jokes about white people? Because African slaves have had hundreds of years to come up with them and 90% of them are far more politically incorrect than the harshest "black joke". It's pretty much the same idea with america and the other countries around the world.

You know that feeling when you walk into the room and everyone gets quiet ant looks at you like they were JUST talking about you? You're america.
that was probably the lamest attempt to make fun of the united states that i've ever seen. and it's pretty easy to do

can you guys go argue in another thread? thanks

can someone please answer the question posted above? i already know that f2p players cannot queue as more than 5 at the same time for a *regular* battleground. i want to know if this extends to war games or not when the *f2p character is the leader of the group.

if not, we can easily get around this problem by using p2p players, and if so, we should test it to see if it works

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