Full 70 Sunwell Clears <Epoch> Recruiting

Bump for Epoch!
Currently in need of caster dps and shamans. If you're interested post an app up at Epoch.dkpsystem.com
Bump. Need shamans and caster dps. App at epoch.dkpsystem.com!
Need some skilled shamans, and caster dps. App it up!
Bump for an amazing 70 community!
Epoch is currently recruiting. App it up!
Hey guys. Epoch is currently recruiting ALL Caster DPS and Healers. If you're interested, you can apply at:

Btw u all have TBC acc?Since im lvling my pally to 70 and im having Wotlk acc.When cata comes,pplz with wotlk/cata accounts won't be able to do bgs/arenas with others with BC account right?

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