Full 70 Sunwell Clears <Epoch> Recruiting

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Regroovenate said:
Can a mod IP BAN Grim?

To whom it may concern. If you are having the slightest problem debating weather or not this individual is in any sort of moral or mental decline then you might find this bit of fact interesting.

To those of you who do not know Grimthunder and his very brief (and terribly disturbing) relationship with our guild, then here's the basic breakdown.

Grimthunder applies to Epoch. Grimthunder's application is accepted pending a vent interview. Grimthunder and Kronolas speak in vent regarding the guild, its VERY few rules, a general breakdown of the guild's operational functionality, and about any questions he might have. Grimthunder seems fairly willing and able to adhere to guild policy and rules, make raid times, and fulfill a general role of an Epoch member. Grimthunder decides to join Epoch after the vent interview is complete. Kronolas invites Grimthunder to Epoch on a PRELIMINARY EVALUATION TRIAL period to observe Grimthunder as a new recruit and to evaluate weather or not Epoch is the guild for him. Grimthunder raids with Epoch in Black Temple the following Friday after his acceptance to the guild. While inside Black Temple Grimthunder sends whispers to Kronolas regarding very basic information that Kronolas had discussed with Grimthunder in detail via vent interview. As the whispers kept coming it became clearly apparent to Kronolas that Grimthunder was probably trolling someone during the vent interview or perhaps engaging in some other form of immature and childish behavior as he was clearly unaware of 100% of everything discussed in said interview. Kronolas attempts to reiterate once again for Grimthunder (while raiding) things discussed in the vent interview. As Grimthunder speaks with Kronolas, it becomes further clear that Grimthunder is clueless and has indeed lied on his application to the guild in answering the questions therein. Kronolas watches as Grimthunder performs sub-par for the gear he is sitting in. As Grimthunder continues to pump out 1.2k dps on Akama Kronolas realizes that he made a mistake in inviting Grimthunder to the guild. Kronolas decides to talk with Luminaa about weather or not to allow Grimthunder to stay based on the unsatisfying experience with him so far. They decide to finish out the raid and discuss the matter at another time. Later that evening it was decided that Epoch was not the right fit for Grimthunder and he was removed from guild.

This is where it gets... interesting.

Grimthunder logs on to see himself guildless and sends Luminaa a whisper asking why he was removed. Luminaa discusses the reasons with him (see above paragraph) but he does not seem to understand. Grimthunder whispers Kronolas asking him why he was removed. Kronolas discusses the reasons with him (see above paragraph) but he STILL does not seem to understand. Grimthunder seems to lose his sanity when he realizes that he was removed for lying to us, wasting our time, and performing very poorly in Black Temple, and takes a real turn for the worse. Grimthunder flies to the forums and begins a 2 week long quest of trolling, harassing, and stalking Kronolas and Luminaa (see previous Epoch thread on these forums). On and on he went like an insane drunkard spewing forth molten hot lies from his forked tongue. Meanwhile Kronolas and Luminaa stared in sheer amazement as Grimthunder rifled through their achievement lists and alt characters, making post after ridiculous post desperately attempting to cling to anything he can in this insane losing battle with...himself.

Which leads us to today.

A little less than an hour ago I got an email saying that someone had been trying to force hack my account on our guild's website. Interestingly, the email came accompanied with an IP address. that IP address was

See below Email:

Kronolas' email from Dkpsystem.com said:
You've requested a password retrieval for your account at epoch.dkpsystem.com.

Your new account info for epoch.dkpsystem.com is as follows

Login Name: Kronolas

New Password: xxxxxx

Be aware that this password is case sensitive!

If this request was not made by you, then someone is probably trying to hack your password. The IP Address used to request this password was If this is not you, you'll want to report this to the admin of your site, or to DKPSystem.com staff, or if you are an admin of your site, you can ban the IP address by going to Admin > Security > Ban List.

Thank you,


While I gaze at the screen trying to think of who might be doing this, Luminaa checks her email to see that someone has been attempting to force hack her Twinkinfo account as well. Can you guess what the IP address was?

See below email:

Luminaa's email from Twinkinfo.com said:
Dear Luminaa,

Someone has tried to log into your account on Twink Info with an incorrect password at least 5 times. This person has been prevented from attempting to login to your account for the next 15 minutes.

The person trying to log into your account had the following IP address:

All the best,

Twink Info

We both looked at each other and realized that there was only one way to be sure... We referred to the original application by Grimthunder (Grimtongue) on our guild website, which lists the applicant's IP address, and can you guess what it said?

IP address:

See Grimthunder's application to Epoch below:

Grimthunder/Grimtongue's Epoch Application said:


Poster's IP:

Posts: 0

Threads: 400

Private Posts: 400

Posted: 5/15/10 12:45:09am

Rating: 0 | #1

Notify Applicant

Application Accepted

Name: Grimtongue

Class: Shaman

Race: Draenei

Level: 70

Email: thealraz_ka@hotmail.com

What server do you play on? Also, what faction do you currently play? (We openly accept server transfers and faction changes)

Staghelm. Alliance. Was formerly a male Troll Shaman.

Why do you want to join <Epoch>? What are your goals once guilded?

As far as I know Epoch is the only guild that does 70 only raids. Once I joined I hope to contribute to those raids and do 70 content with only 70s.

Have you read our general rules and guidelines along with our general loot rules in the recruitment section of our forums? Will you adhere to these rules upon entry to the guild? Do you have any further questions about the way we operate as a guild?

Yes, yes, and no.

Have you read our Rank Status Information in the recruitment section of our forums? Do you understand that as a new member of Epoch you will be invited as a Trial. This means that for two weeks the Epoch officers will review and assess your personality and raid performance to determine whether or not Epoch is the place for you. Being invited to the guild does not guarantee you a raid spot. Raid spots are not handed out, they are earned. Are you okay with this?


Please explain your Pre- Wrath of the Lich King raiding experience in detail.

During classic I raided as a shaman (I raided with all 3 specs) and ran Molten Core, Zul'Gurub, Ruins of Ahn'quiraj, and Onyxia.

During TBC I raided as a shaman (all 3 specs), an Arms Warrior, a Rogue, and a Retribution Paladin. I cleared The Eye, SSC, Gruul's Lair, Mag's Lair, Karazhan, and Zul'Aman.

Please link your armory profile (please log out in your pve gear).

The World of Warcraft Armory - @ - Profile

Please give a quick explanation of your spec(s) and your primary focus/purpose in raids.

Both specs are PvP oriented. I will be respeccing my PvP Enhancement spec to a PvE elemental to improve DPS. My purpose in raids is to provide caster DPS and buffs.

Show us and explain in your opinion the best obtainable gear for your main spec by using home - chardev.org (you must click save on the left to get the link)

character planner . grimtongue - chardev.org

The gem focus is on spellpower, with crit when I deem the socket bonus worthwhile.

Are you the original owner of your account? If not explain.


Do you plan to level your character past 70 at any point in the future?

Heck no. With leveling as easy as it is with RAF I would level up a new shaman if I ever wanted to go past 70.

Were you ever an officer or obtained a leadership position of your past guild(s), if so explain your role.


Tell us about yourself. How old are you? What do you do (work/school)? What is your personality like? How long have you played World of Warcraft? Also, why do you think that you would be an addition to the guild?

22, 3 years of college, currently working and taking break from school. I've been playing for 5 years. I would be a good addition because I am a dedicated player devoted to maximizing my abilities with a given/level spec.

We raid Black Temple and Sunwell weekly as a guild. Our current raid times are Friday and Saturday at 7:30 pm Central time.

How often can we expect you to be able to attend raids? What percentage of raids to you plan on attending? What are your usual playing hours?

I would say 75%+ of raids minimum. I usually play around 40 hours a week, the actual times I play vary greatly though.

Do you have a stable and reliable internet connection/computer?


Make up your own question, then answer your question.

What do Lady Gaga and Wolverine have in common?

They're both X-Men.

Please post a screenshot of your user interface while in a raid.


Where did you hear about us? Did a current Epoch member refer you? if so who?

I saw Lumina's post.

The extent at which this person has gone and continues to go to in pursuit of attempting to Troll, Harass, Stalk, and now Hack is not only meticulously overkill, but is downright scary. If I haven't clearly stated why this guy is out of his mind yet, then I simply don't know what else I can do.

This entire post is in an effort to get people to understand that this person is insane and not to listen to anything he might say, for he was simply removed from a guild he was in for less than a week and he has devoted his entire life to stalking us.

Grimthunder, you need to find another hobby.

I hope that after reading this post, a Twinkinfo.com forum moderator will permanently ban his IP address, for his presence here accomplishes nothing but being a vessel of harassment and flame. That IP address once again is:
... even this I did not expect. That ends all the discussion. Welcome back to recruitment forums.

P.S. In my curiosity I toyed around with the DKPSystem webbie as well. Look at what I found.


The account name matches the name of one of the L1 alts that spammed the whole guild with obscene, unprofessional tells with a macro and with sexual references.

I should kick myself for giving the benefit of the doubt to Grimthunder-- I believed he might not have been the retard who did it. (Well, likely, but impossible to trace). This is pretty conclusive though.

Dear Forum Mods: Would it be possible to confirm that the mentioned address belongs to the same TwinkInfo account, and exorcise the dangerous player accordingly? Best not let him know who exactly metes out the justice, though, he might make another voodoo doll for you. :(
The next person who posts someone else's private IP in public will get banned. If you have an issue with someone, take it up PRIVATELY with an mod.
Taitaih said:
The next person who posts someone else's private IP in public will get banned. If you have an issue with someone, take it up PRIVATELY with an mod.

i was actually gonna post something along the lines of "isnt posting someones IP illegal or something", but after a quick google search i found that it is indeed not; IPs are considered public knowledge afaik. still a dick move to announce his IP and everything, but really, what is the average TI user going to do with his IP address? if they were some uber hacker or script kiddie they could have found it out anyways. just my 2cents...if anyone knows its illegal, or if its just not allowed here pls share so i can gain some knowledge~

If you know how to md thatll be chill just sayn.

I love you falkor =( still trying to get into your signature =(
Soberlolz said:
If you know how to md thatll be chill just sayn.

I love you falkor =( still trying to get into your signature =(

If he had a signature any larger we'd have to modify it. It's already taking up a full screen everytime he posts. Don't count on it unless he replaces someone with you for making an extraordinary 'I love you!' post! ;)
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