I'd be leveling one right now instead of a warlock but you said "Of course play whatever you like. We are low on locks, hunters, and healers. Maybe make a healer down the line."
You don't understand... you see... I want to be the very best, like no druid ever was. To FC is my real test, to innervate priests is my cause. I will travel across the field, searching far and wide. Dispel my allies from the poison that's inside. Resto druid! Gotta HoT 'em all. Team it's you and me, to go OOM is my destiny, Resto druid! Oh your my best friend, for a flag we must defend. Resto druid! Gotta HoT 'em all. A cap so true, my mobility will pull me through. Priest, you heal me and I'll heal you. Resto druid! Gotta Hot 'em all, gotta HoT 'em all. Yeah.
Real talk though. Druid talent tree is so dumb. You have to take 10 points in healing touch talents just to pick up nature swiftness and swiftmend. Like is swiftmend even worth picking up in that scenario? Those 5 points in tranquil spirit seem like a big waste. Priests gets it so good with the talents
And regrowth costs way too much mana in vanilla. It's like 33% cheaper in BC. Stupid wonky vanilla wow and its stupid priest healer bias.
I'll still make one later though ^_^ cause fuck it