Friend is already getting exp off 20 wsg pops.

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Pöket said:
Joined it, but cant speek in it ><

Dont think anyone can, anyone whos a trial anywyas, but its a nice way to see whos online and twinking.

To be able to speak to people with a trial acc they need to have you on friends list. So just add all the people on it, they will add you as well so you can talk in whispers :)

Ps, we should make a different thread with names of people doing this
We are currently working on a xfire ingame wow chat so it's easier to communicate.

But still use the /join f2ptwink to check who's online.
Nohealsforju said:
Rogue is at 20 atm i am gonna do some dungeons to 24 then locking. and then getting Some more gear Hope for a challenge.

I recommend playing 20 twink even on paid account, or you will be ganked pretty hard by us 20 to screw you away.
Hiidden said:
I recommend playing 20 twink even on paid account, or you will be ganked pretty hard by us 20 to screw you away.

24 hunter can kill 5x trial 20s with one multi-shot D:
Nohealsforju said:
Rogue is at 20 atm i am gonna do some dungeons to 24 then locking. and then getting Some more gear Hope for a challenge.

Why would you have a challenge if you outgear everyone else? That seems like a load of bullshit to me, but whatever advantages you need to win I guess. Glad most people have more skill then that.

People were trying to keep at level 20 to maintain a more enjoyable bracket, otherwise we can have one full of douche bags who fucked up the 19 bracket.

Hope you enjoy what 19s are now, because if you play at 24 your going to force everyone else to do the same.

Just play a leveling twink, then you dont have to piss on anyone else trying to have fun.
Nohealsforju said:
Alright my rogue is 24 locking Experience so far i have most of the gear i was hoping to get but i am gonna do some gnomergan runs and such to get better gear. Btw at the end if i get all my gear i will have 1800ish HP.

Profiler - Wowhead my goal <3.
You are my hero, keep being a boss!
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