So.... 4 + 16 + 30 + 10 + 50 = 110%. Nice math there buddy.
Also, what you described is 50% skill.
99.99% of statistics are made up.
thnx didnt see the math , but im not gonna edit it out. Lower that to 40% instead of 50%.I dont consider myself skilled,not at all but how do you prove your skill in any video game? By defeating your opponents ..and thats what I did all of them got to release spirit.I am not skilled at all and hunter to me was like a high paying know something you hate to do you but you have to do it?Thats how it felt teaching all these kiddies out there how to pvp on a hunter and breaking every record in this bracket.
..if i was able to turn all the 20s and the 24s in this bracket into of piles of copper ...(i think you are exepmt from this though I somehow never got to meet you in my 50k hks of alliance playing ) with just one friendly player by my side and four hands, imagine five players.I mean yes i multiboxed later on but if you notice any multiboxer in high level pvping doesnt break it past 2k rated because 5 brains and 20 hands>2 brains and 4 hands. Idont even understand how do you AP premades even manage to die you should be indestructible.