Free Game Time


After using my 10 day free trial, which was given to me back in February, I got another 10 days free using this method.
Try it for yourself. You just might get some free game time. Go get those heirlooms!

Quoting myself from another related thread.
When I attempted this method, it was actually a lot easier than I thought.

I simply told the GM that I was curious about resubscribing my account. I told him that I liked some of the new features, like the heirloom and toy tab, but wasn't sure if that alone was enough for me to resub. He then brought up the 10 day free trial and lead me with directions on where to find it in my account page.

I replied saying the button was grayed out.

He then proceeded to give me a password reset, and told me that he would just give the 10 day trial because "game time was buggy" atm. He then told me to wait 30-45 mins for approval. He never once brought up my recent expiration date. If he did, he would have easily noticed that I had already had a previous 10 day trial less than a month ago.

Well, after about an hour, I checked back on my account page to find that, indeed, there was a new 10 day trial added to my account. However, once I logged into the game, everything was still in Starter Edition mode, and I couldn't log into anything over 20.

I had to open ANOTHER live chat. This time I got a different GM and I just told her that my 10 day free trial wasn't working. She also told me that "game time is buggy" right now.. and then "toggled" a couple settings on my account and told me to go check if I could log in the game. It worked.

It's up to you if you want to attempt this. You might be able to get more than 3 days out of it.
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I did this on my paid account. I opened a ticket saying I wanted my f2p to be my new main and asking for a few days to move my gold over to my new account.

First response was "use the 10 day WoD trail" I responded that was gone, since it was.
2nd response gave me 3 days. They were pretty reluctant to do it though and told me giving out free game time isn't something they do.

I wasn't trying to scam them, I literally wanted to move gold from one account to another, and I'm seriously thinking about playing end game again. I said I didn't want to buy a month on the old account if i didn't have to for something that could be done in an afternoon. They were nice enough to help.

Please don't abuse this though, only use when necessary. I moved 10k over but due to the horrid way of having to move it ended up with around 3k.

For those curious you buy guild tabs and mail them to a scrap character on the server you want the gold. Since the tabs are bind on account you can do that. You vendor the tabs on said character and can then trade the gold to your "main" character on the account you want it on. Mailing gold cross server isn't doable.
For those curious you buy guild tabs and mail them to a scrap character on the server you want the gold. Since the tabs are bind on account you can do that. You vendor the tabs on said character and can then trade the gold to your "main" character on the account you want it on. Mailing gold cross server isn't doable.

Buy battle pets, add to collection, put in cage on another realm, sell. Works too.
I was able to get WoD 10 days trial twice for no apparent reason, was checking my earlier today, and was able to activate it once again. I have no idea how/why though. Never talked to a GM, and yeah I'm positive it was the same account, only have one. I created a PTR account in the meantime, it might be related to that somehow, no idea, but yeah just wanted to share it.
maybe its because of the heirloom and other changes in 6.1? they want people to see how much more convenient it is and get addicted again. in the end if they give 100 free weeks and get 10 subs im sure its more profit then loss.
I got 4 days on my account and was able to create a vet war for AP Twinks. I used a method that will 100% work if you havn't logged on since 6.1 released and you don't have to lie to a gm! heres what i did:
1.) Open a ticket stating that you have heirlooms on a non accessible character and would like to log onto them to put them on the boa tab and also state that you might not be able to get on tomorrow.
That should land you atleast 2 days.
2.) When the 2 days are up say that you spent alot of money on an enchant and now that your sub has run out you cannot apply it.
That should get you a few more days.
And if you actually needed those things to be done (like me) then you won't feel skummy afterwards for lying to a gm

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