FOTM Roller, Shaman for 3.2 :P

Look up my shaman Tøtem on Dragonblight.. armory is down.

I use [Item]2567[/Item]+30 spell power in my balance set although I also have a [Item]17046[/Item].
Skeletal Club and Stinging Viper are both Viable optiins along with Dawnblade.
Drøød said:
Ah, [ITEM]2256[/ITEM] and [ITEM]6472[/ITEM] both dont got any stats, is that bad? or do you use your weapon to smack people 2?

(No [ITEM]22984[/ITEM] for me, as I am a Draenei)


They're not bad, good burst and the proc's are nice, esp Stinging viper. Its not reliable, but the poison ticks can definitly mess up your day if you're a bandage user.
Drøød said:
Ah, [ITEM]2256[/ITEM] and [ITEM]6472[/ITEM] both dont got any stats, is that bad? or do you use your weapon to smack people 2?

(No [ITEM]22984[/ITEM] for me, as I am a Draenei)


Well with my playstyle for sure, I find myself in close just Earth and Flameshocking keeping constant melee damage on my target. The procs from Skeletal Club and Stinging Viper can both come in handy as mentioned before and the Burst damage form both of them is pretty nice.
You said that you won't be able to get Gutterblade because of Glacial Stone for your melee set? If that is so, then you should try to get Evocator's Blade, Skelly Club, and Stinging Viper. I have the feeling there might be others that I can't think of atm but you should definitly pick up those three. Also Imo, Skeletal Club is better than Stinging Viper because you should always have flameshock on your target which means there is no need for that extra dot.

Edit: You should also look into getting Smites Reaver, Face Smasher, and Guillotine Axe (Could someone see how this works? I've never tried it on my shamans.)

Second Edit: Buzzer Blade is also a viable option for the extra Crit.
Drøød said:
So, I should grab a [ITEM]6472[/ITEM]?

Or are there other mensionable items?


1h: stinging viper, skelly mace, Gutterblade, Evocators, Smites Reaver

2h: Smites mighty hammer w/ sader, Night Reaver with counterweight
I'm just picking up a straight int/stam set with some spellpower for now on my shammy but when the patch comes I'm gonna be getting most of the weapons stated in this thread.
I would get all of them. Personally I like Evocators blade the best stats are nice to have. Considering shamans usually have some mana issues. Atleast in my case most of my dps comes from my shocks and totems although I put out some good meele dps also.
Drøød said:
I have no access to BoA, so Evocators blade is my only choice, but then do you use your weapon much to hit people?

you do, flametongue makes jousting viable even with just a 1hander. Evocators used to be the weapon to use because of the way flametongue scaled, but now that its damage has been normalized at 2.7 you can use whatever weapon you want really.

People tend to prefer slow maces for larger burst as of late, with the only exception being smites reaver because of the nice bit of hit.


Used to play with this guy, he's one of the best duelers on my home BG. I dont agree with all his gear choices as he only does arenas and doesnt have acess to BoA's but its a good template for a Horde shammy.

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