FOTM Roller, Shaman for 3.2 :P

Hey all,

I'm gonna roll a Draenei Shaman, without access to BoA Gear, because I like the fact that you can really improve your skills, and you can see huge differences with Skilled players and n00bs.

And I am looking for some armory's of 19 shamans, I am going for about 4 different sets, and I could use some help. (Healing, Melee :), Caster, Cookie Cutter)

Any chance someone can help me with some armories?

Grtz Drøød.

P.S. I already read the guides on this site, but I can use some concrete armories/gearlists.
Don't think A healing set would be great for a shaman : /

They're mainly good for an off healer, but even then you really woudn't need a Resto set.

But that is just how I see them at this level xD
The only shaman that gives my rogue troubles is Vhex of Drenden.
The World of Warcraft Armory

A guy on my server. Excellent healer last I played with him. He used to have 0/5/5 spec and ofc engineering googles. Guess he got his hopes high on the fishing hat.

I disagree with the statement that shaman healers are weak at this bracket. This guy can has kept me up in alot of 2v5 twink fights. Next patch they get ghostwolf and will be able to keep up better.

From my experience as a priest healer, the only real pain are rogues, since they take advantage of their interrupt abilties unlike most warriors and shamans. Infact as a priest healer the best deal for me is me+a dps versus 4-5 hunters. The hunters will usually try to take me down, but they can't interrupt me, so my DPSer can just go all out.

Shamans get their newest heal at L18, making it strong. Next patch they'll even have Ghost Wolf.

Ofc. druids got a better deal with their travelform. However, in my battlegroup the priest healers all know howto dispell, so I stopped playing that.

Shamans are excellent if not the best healers at this bracket, in my opinion.
Hey this is something I posted for someoen else who was looking for help on a shammy. If you need specifics on the gear sets I'm talking about you can try talking to me in-game or continue posting here.

First of all. Multiple sets for a shaman is the way to go. On my shammy I have seven sets for almost any situation. ie: FC, SP, Stats, Max Int, Melee, Arena, and Mp5. With all of these different gear choices you can come up with a mix of the gear that fits you. I personally prefer stats and mp5 over the SP build but thats completely up to you. It looks like in the new patch most shamans will be rolling with 3/5 Anscestral Knowledge, 2/2 Earth's Grasp, 2/2 Imp Ghostwolf, and 3/5 Healing Wave. This build gives you a decent mana pool, excellent kiting abilities, and a semi-quick heal. If you do find your heals coming to slow with that build, you can try using lower ranks for clutch situations.

I hope that helped out abit

Lithdk said:
The World of Warcraft Armory

A guy on my server. Excellent healer last I played with him. He used to have 0/5/5 spec and ofc engineering googles. Guess he got his hopes high on the fishing hat.

I disagree with the statement that shaman healers are weak at this bracket. This guy can has kept me up in alot of 2v5 twink fights. Next patch they get ghostwolf and will be able to keep up better.

From my experience as a priest healer, the only real pain are rogues, since they take advantage of their interrupt abilties unlike most warriors and shamans. Infact as a priest healer the best deal for me is me+a dps versus 4-5 hunters. The hunters will usually try to take me down, but they can't interrupt me, so my DPSer can just go all out.

Shamans get their newest heal at L18, making it strong. Next patch they'll even have Ghost Wolf.

Ofc. druids got a better deal with their travelform. However, in my battlegroup the priest healers all know howto dispell, so I stopped playing that.

Shamans are excellent if not the best healers at this bracket, in my opinion.

Alliance Twink Shaman would for sure make a better healer than Horde imo

But I was just thinking about Horde (As what I play) But with Gift of the Narru able to be cast on players it does make a Dranei shaman healer pretty good, but I never said they were weak, they just arn't the best

My armory for glass is DPS/SP/Balance right now. Have all sets. Thats the best 'average' setup. Take it from someone who played a shaman before the patch notes :)
User said:
My armory for glass is DPS/SP/Balance right now. Have all sets. Thats the best 'average' setup. Take it from someone who played a shaman before the patch notes :)

Vouch Glasshaman :p lol

He is probably one of the best Skill wise I have came up against
Started the List

Main Set:

[Lucky Fishing Hat]

[Scout's medallion]

[Talbar mantle]

[Batlle healer's Cloak] with 5 all resistances (I'll be picking up an Engineer's Cloak as soon as 3.2 hits.

[Treebark Jacket] with 4 all stats.

[Crystalline Cuffs] with 9 stam.

[Shimmering Gloves of the eagle] with 16 SP (Of course magefist or leather eagle would be better)

[Girdle of the Blindwatcher]

[Scouting Trousers of the Eagle] with +40 armor.

[Spidersilk Boots] with 7 stam. (I plan on getting two pairs and seeing what I prefer)

[Lavishly Jeweled Ring]

[Seal of Slyvanas]

[Arena Grandmaster]

Insignia of the Horde]

[Evocator's Blade] with 22 int.

[Forest Buckler] with 7 stam


SP Set:

Lucky Fishing Hat

Scout's Medallion

Reinforced Woolen Shoulders

Battle Healer's Cape with 5 resistances

Inferno Robe with 6 all stats

Crystalline Cuffs with 15 SP

Gold-Flecked Gloves with 16 SP

Girdle of the Blindwatcher

Scouting Trousers of the Eagle with +40 Armor.

Spidersilk Boots with 7 stam/Minor Speed

Advisor's Ring

Bronze band of Force

Arena Grand Master

Insignia of the Horde

Evocator's Blade with 30 SP

Forest Buckler with 7 stam.

To be continued....
Lithdk said:
Shamans are excellent if not the best healers at this bracket, in my opinion.

I can't see how shamans can be better healers at this bracket than druids. Shamans don't have the 70% ignore pushback talent, and druids also have the -0.5 sec to healing touch, and they can even choose the -30% dispelled heals talent, if instead of HT spam they prefer to throw HoTs to keep on the go. Shamans ghost wolf is considered a magic and can be dispelled, while travel form can't. And it's instant untalented. And, correct me if I'm wrong, but ghost wolf doesn't remove snares, only makes you unable to fall below 100% speed... but with enough shapeshifts you could be running 140% around 95% of the time.
Zyrkonos said:
I can't see how shamans can be better healers at this bracket than druids. Shamans don't have the 70% ignore pushback talent, and druids also have the -0.5 sec to healing touch, and they can even choose the -30% dispelled heals talent, if instead of HT spam they prefer to throw HoTs to keep on the go. Shamans ghost wolf is considered a magic and can be dispelled, while travel form can't. And it's instant untalented. And, correct me if I'm wrong, but ghost wolf doesn't remove snares, only makes you unable to fall below 100% speed... but with enough shapeshifts you could be running 140% around 95% of the time.

Shamans on the other side got a instant slow, purge, fear removal and an interrupt. Both classes got gamebreaking abilities. I just prefer shaman healers. In my opinion they aid me more in combat than a druid.
Lithdk said:
Shamans on the other side got a instant slow, purge, fear removal and an interrupt. Both classes got gamebreaking abilities. I just prefer shaman healers. In my opinion they aid me more in combat than a druid.

Like as I stated before, I think Alliance would prefer a Shaman Healer because Draenei get Gift of the Narru which stacks with Spell Power and can be cast on other targets.

It seems like only Horde thinks Shamans aren't the best lol

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