For your viewing pleasure


Like what has been mentioned before on the US forums you can arena at 60 via wargames.

so for you viewing pleasure here is a match we did a week or so ago. Yes I clicked EMFH and My trinket lol thats how long its been since I did pvp as holy and my binds are totally screwed up in this match.

YouTube - Guild OldSchool Arena PVP
Lol, paladin spamming exo.
Holy wrath needs to be almost within melee range.

Judgement does next to no damage.

Holy shock is the only other real attack at 60.

I fail to see what you could have expected other than a lock performing CC the whole time while I blow people up?

The point of the vid is you can still actively pvp as long as you turn XP on and arena through war games. Until they fix the BG system there is really not much else to do than XP-on WSG premades hk farming pubbies till the game is just about over and /afking out. 3 games a day at a random time because people fail at coordinating a set time of day to BG in XP-off really does not cut it.
What was that?
yeah I admit 2's blow and its all about the insta gibb. the hunter went down in a split second once we blew up the priest bubble.

The guild holds 3v3 games and had our first 2v2 tournament happen recently. I had to miss it due to work but I heard it went well.

I am hoping Blizz fixes things regarding XP-off queues and Wargames because this is getting old and players in end game BGs are absolutely terrible.
Antísocial said:
they play like gods in the godsgear.

No amount of vicious glad geared out 85s in pug bgs will ever be worth more than the headache you leave the match with after realizing how terrible end game players are outside of arena or rated BGs.
so what... me and a buddy turn exp on and queue for wargames.. and we should get arena pops? or do we have to coordinate our timing with another 2 people to get arenas?

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