For the Sake of the Bracket

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I know 110% people would prefer me doing wargames afew times a month (And getting somewhat competitive games going, then nothin at all). People need to stop complaining and either man up and make teams or do something else.

I'm sure people would too. However, this is two nights in a row now where your wargames have stopped PuGs.

Wargames are more competitive for the most part, however only a very small portion of the bracket actually gets to participate while the rest of the bracket can't queue at all. I saw numerous players log on last night to queue, only to find that games weren't popping because of the wargames on Alliance side. They then logged off. Sure, you guys might have had fun, but there were many players who planned on playing but ended up not doing so because of these wargames.

I tried to avoid outright stating it in the original post, but your replies are rather disturbing especially as a moderator.

I have to agree with this its pretty selfish can we not wait a bit and let pugs activity roll some more

This comes across as very selfish. The bracket needn't go out at all, much less in a bang.
What would you rather have, fun competitive games like you just mentioned and how much fun you all had or mediocare pugs where its 90% 1 sided????

Here is the problem. You guys might have had fun, but everyone else who was trying to queue PuGs couldn't even play while the wargames were going on. And like I stated in my original post, there was a fair amount of bitching heard in the streams of people complaining about minor things like the other team having two BM monks, when there are tons of players sitting in queue who don't even get to play.
Then que f2p...

What kind of an attitude is this? Your wargames were the reason games stopped and this player wasn't able to play his/her 19 twink like they would have been able to had these wargames not taken place.

Then you have the nerve to tell them to go play in a different bracket? What is wrong with you? Why are you allowed to moderate this site?
There are two sides to this coin.

Wargames vs Pugs... Competition vs Activity for lack of better words. But even this comparison does not do justice as they both effect one another.

I am ecstatic that 19s are popping once again. By far my favorite bracket to play in and be a part of! It has been 2 weeks since games have been popping nightly and i have been able to play in many of the Pugs this last week. Here is my assessment. Population wise Alliance has more players than Horde currently, yet the quality of players on Horde is greater overall than the Alliance. For a Pug scenario this creates an interesting problem, while as we need more players to queue Horde to get multiple games popping at night, there is a portion of players that would rather not queue into pugs as the quality of games is favored more towards Horde.

My advice to combat this problem requires players to self reflect: Am I having an impact on the class that I am playing? One of the great things so far this expansion is the opportunity to play a larger variety of specs/classes that can hold their own in wsg/arenas that previously were irrelevant. But while such opportunity exists, a player needs to fully utilize their toolkit to benefit playing certain classes. I believe the best class to choose at this point as my example is Rogue. An alert Rogue can offer so much to a team in Warsong, whether it be sapping an FC that breaks, sapping or opening a healer/kill target in mid, or setting up pushes for the rest of your team to go in with sap. While this class offers so much with a player that understands the mechanics and it's potential, there are also players that choose rogue to avoid combat and open once or twice a game at a random moments notice.

Before you point out another player's flaws, I try to ask myself if there was anything I could have done better in that game/situation to give our team an advantage. This will increase the quality of the games if players can self evaluate what they could do better and if the class you are playing accomplishes what you want to achieve in the game. While I understand this is Pugs and what I have mentioned seems a bit overboard, I state my opinion in hopes to increase the overall quality of Pugs and provide the reasoning for why there are players that currently choose Wargames over Pugs.

From a pug perspective and an overall bracket perspective I understand why there is frustration for the Wargames breaking queues early in the night. As a community, we also need to understand that a good portion of the players in the bracket come to play 19s for premades, this is what wargames offer. Someone earlier in the thread had mentioned starting the Wargames later in the night once queues have been rolling for 2-3 hours. This seems to be a healthy approach/appropriate time to play the Wargames, at that point there will have been ample amount of games that have popped, and based on the quality of those games, players can decide whether or not they want to make more competitive games or continue playing in the Pug games that night. In reality, most nights Pugs are relatively competitive, and i believe they will continue growing in such manner if as a whole we can evaluate if we are having an impact on the game with the class we are queuing on!
^ Finals are over, can't read that much till next semester.

Anyways, wargames are obviously more fun and competitive. They get you prepped for actual premades, and they give you a better sense of the current meta. Pugs are usually a face-roll, but when they aren't they can be a lot of fun. From my understanding, last nights wargames happened because ques had stopped popping. People said there was a lack of horde, but I'm sure if everyone tried hard enough and got on their horde alts, the games would pop again.

I'm going to be that person and say we pay to do whatever we want in the game. If 15-20 people decide to group up and organize wargames, then let them because they can. The bracket has been active for a couple of weeks now. There are daily pops that go on for hours along with arenas that happen throughout the day. If you are unhappy with people doing wargames, either try to join in, make your own team so you can participate, que arenas, or go out and have a life.

People get bored of just queing pugs and want more competition. In my eyes, doing wargames is keeping the bracket alive, because the people queuing pugs will always get their dose every night. Wargames aren't as frequent and usually you see the more skilled or competitive players leave this bracket because they get tired of having no competition or because they are tired of idiots throwing games.
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So since war games are going to happen even if people don't like it can we start a thread and try to keep everyone informed that way we can attempt to keep pugs going.

There are people who are just trying this bracket out again after years or just starting pugs are important to grow as a community not having pugs nightly potentially discourages those players
nononono no matter what excuse you try to throw (competitive games etc) there is no excuse to kill the ques day in and day out ESPECIALLY when its very early on like 7-8 a clock, you could at least wait until later in the night after some games have been played.

There is zero logic to assume that the bracket is going to die this time, if anything the bracket has a higher change now to flourish than ever with skirmish coming back and giving people other things to do on there twink, we've been having pops and 2 wsgs going at once, that needs to continue...
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