For the Sake of the Bracket

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To the people who have been queueing wargames the last couple nights: The bracket has just become active again. Do you guys really think it's a good idea to halt queues for the rest of the bracket so that you guys can play wargames? I'm sure it is fun for the people participating, but the rest of the bracket is unable to play due to needed players to make pickup games pop not happening due to said players playing wargames.

The most concerning thing to me is that after watching the streams, the majority of the time the players participating are complaining about the other teams' comps, etc. while the rest of the players in the bracket wait in queue for a pop that likely won't happen for a while. In addition, it seems like a lot of downtime is spent setting up comps and looking for players.

All I ask is that you put the entirety of the bracket in consideration. The bracket just started to become active again. Let's let it flourish instead of killing off activity.
To the people who have been queueing wargames the last couple nights: The bracket has just become active again. Do you guys really think it's a good idea to halt queues for the rest of the bracket so that you guys can play wargames? I'm sure it is fun for the people participating, but the rest of the bracket is unable to play due to needed players to make pickup games pop not happening due to said players playing wargames.

The most concerning thing to me is that after watching the streams, the majority of the time the players participating are complaining about the other teams' comps, etc. while the rest of the players in the bracket wait in queue for a pop that likely won't happen for a while. In addition, it seems like a lot of downtime is spent setting up comps and looking for players.

All I ask is that you put the entirety of the bracket in consideration. The bracket just started to become active again. Let's let it flourish instead of killing off activity.

I've voiced my opinion multiple times in these groups but people make their own decisions. War Games are fucking awesome and fun and intense but more war games will happen if the bracket grows, the bracket won't grow without more frequent pops. War Gaming can still be done on alliance but if a large horde group wants to war game someone than no one in the bracket gets to play during that time besides the people in the groups, and we all know how long these things can sometimes take to organize, you risk the same thing on alliance.

I'm not saying we should stop doing War Games, but lets get pops moving for 2-3 hours before we start getting War Games going? That way we don't effectively freeze the bracket.
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I have to agree with this its pretty selfish can we not wait a bit and let pugs activity roll some more
So much fun. Especially to be on the winning side of that last second cap. But yeah we shouldn't halt queues.
What would you rather have, fun competitive games like you just mentioned and how much fun you all had or mediocare pugs where its 90% 1 sided????

It's a false comparison. Wargames don't have to be scheduled at the same time as pug time. Without pugs the bracket dies. Of course premade activity is more fun, but anyone willing to kill pugs to have it isn't thinking about anything but their immediate gratification.
It's a false comparison. Wargames don't have to be scheduled at the same time as pug time. Without pugs the bracket dies. Of course premade activity is more fun, but anyone willing to kill pugs to have it isn't thinking about anything but their immediate gratification.

Half true, but the bracet is half dead and going to die again sooner or later, may as well go all out in a bang, having a blast! Wargames inspires competition, always has. When people see other people doing stuff like that, their competitive side comes out and inspires them to get players together to fight those other teams. People who are competitive will step up to make teams to compete.
Livingforce it sounds to me like you aren't really interested in trying to keep the 19 bracket alive.

You say might as well go out with a blast, well that blast will come a lot sooner if there's only a few people to play with and nobody new making twinks, which is what I expect would happen if bgs don't pop.
Half true, but the bracet is half dead and going to die again sooner or later, may as well go all out in a bang, having a blast! Wargames inspires competition, always has. When people see other people doing stuff like that, their competitive side comes out and inspires them to get players together to fight those other teams. People who are competitive will step up to make teams to compete.

This doesn't really hold true when a team that was formed to compete gets excluded because people(your team included) are scared/not confident in their own play
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What would you rather have, fun competitive games like you just mentioned and how much fun you all had or mediocare pugs where its 90% 1 sided????

From my experience PuGs aren't exactly imbalanced unless one team has voice communication or has a bunch of FOTM classes. I have found the PUGs to be just as fun as war games, however I've never participated in said war games so I cannot give a valid opinion on that. The truth is this comes down to a couple of things.

x Faction having y OP class
Voice Communication
one faction not having healers.
lolol Premades

I agree with you LF and I've seen you in BGs. We need to go out with a bang if, what you say is truly our end-game. I do not think we are destined for such a horrific end though. I feel we can gather enough people, twinks, anti-twinks, fuck maybe even a couple of lol levelers to make pugs worth it again. As I have told many people, when you pick up people, you run the risk of imbalance unless you make the choice to roll those classes YOU and so many other people desire in BGS.

Going to page two and reading the posts, I'm kind of ashamed and saddened by your attitude Livingforce

As a Moderator, a Staff Member of this great forum. You and the other staff should be doing things to promote activity. Not hinder it. Yes, I am technically calling you out at this point. Drunk or Sober, I will que tonight and I encourage everyone, regardless of class to que up. Do you truly want our bracket to be revived? Then go, out of your way like many of us have.... Sit in que for a hour or two BEFORE the que pops in an attempt to make it pop sooner.

Roll that healer on the Alliance side, be that Warlock or Mage that is rarely seen in Warsong. I myself, play a G Druid regardless if SR or another FC ques up, and if someone does, I bloody pocket heal them and the team as much as I can.


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Half true, but the bracet is half dead and going to die again sooner or later, may as well go all out in a bang, having a blast! Wargames inspires competition, always has. When people see other people doing stuff like that, their competitive side comes out and inspires them to get players together to fight those other teams. People who are competitive will step up to make teams to compete.

This comes across as very selfish. The bracket needn't go out at all, much less in a bang.
Let me rephrase. Every time the bracket finishes in the summer it dies, then when summer comes round agains pops start to liven up. Always happened that way, my point is why not do wargames before it dies down, granted it might die temperarily abit sooner then normal BUT you can have fun and competitve games whilst doing so. Also, its not like im trying to wargame every day, Tapout and I work in the mines so we dont get much oppertunity to do this sort of thing with the time we have avalible. Tapout can only play one weekend every 5 weeks for this reason. No one else is even close to getting any competitive games on ally side. At least me/tapout and afew others went alliance to try to balance teams.

I know 110% people would prefer me doing wargames afew times a month (And getting somewhat competitive games going, then nothin at all). People need to stop complaining and either man up and make teams or do something else.
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