Blood: As a blood deathknight ur job is to earn runic power as much as possible, every melee spells wich gives u runic power gives 10, deathstrike gives 20. And u have pretty much one spell wich u can spend ur earned RP and that's Death coil (doing 750-800 dmg without crit) not bad. Costs 40 runic power to cast. DS heals you minimum 7% of your max hp each time, u can spamm 2 before getting cooldowns, unless u already stacked 4 Death runes.
If you want to use as much vanilla gear as possible u could use everything with dodge/parry etc, but if u would like to use socketgear get all plate sockets except the mail hands + mail legs as u can get plate Specialization wich will boost ur hp alot as a blood DK, and also u get + avoidance from the plate ones and the armor.
about weapon u could use anyone from vanilla contents or ramparts, as im using most of the avoidance gear i found a 2x axe with dodge on, pretty sick stamina + strenght stats but the dps is awful, but who cares when ur only here for doing tank buisness.
What gems ? ill come to that, as they nerfed the talents with improved deathstrike the selfhealing got nerfed alot but its still worth going full stamina, chest enchant would be dodge, 15 stamina + minor run speed (8%) on boots, 40 stamina wrist 10 stamina shoulders + head and either 20 hit/ 2% threat + 10 parry gloves, 40 stamina+12 agility legs, Go for the 45 stamina trinkets within goblin engineer theyre awesome.
51 stamina gems from wotlk dragons eye is not possible anymore, u couldnt obtain the dalaran tokens from tiffany by handing in titanium powders anymore, so just go for full 30 stamina instead, that will do.
glyphs: I would use Glyph of blood boil, increases the range of it 50% wich will be awesome for finding rogues in stealth etc, or just aoe tanking Glyph of death strike is obvious, glyph of heart strike also, as my last major glyph im using glyph of rune tap wich healing the party for 5% of their maximum hp, thats not much but theres not any other good glyph whos useful for me atleast so i chosed that one, u got 2 minor aswell wich i have glyph of Raise ally, and glyph of resilient Grip.
Frost: i've tried frost and i do not recomend it that much since u dont got horn of winter, or obliterate etc. U could go full strenght and hope for the killing machine procs and doing 2.2k + crits from FS,
glyph of frost trike, glyph of icy touch most important glyphs in there.
Unholy: this specc rocks but its no burst in unholy, same gems in here (20 strenght)
I can't mention to much about these talents as i havent tried them too much, feel free to add something about frosty and unholy :S
anyway lads, the keyword in this thread was my version of a real Blood dk, as soon as the bgs working u will see the fun in being there.
The weakness of blood, is against casters, mage/shadowpriests and elemental shaman. And if protadins is good they can beat u aswell but ur pretty much farming everything else equal to their equipment.
Feel free to add something below,
Blood: As a blood deathknight ur job is to earn runic power as much as possible, every melee spells wich gives u runic power gives 10, deathstrike gives 20. And u have pretty much one spell wich u can spend ur earned RP and that's Death coil (doing 750-800 dmg without crit) not bad. Costs 40 runic power to cast. DS heals you minimum 7% of your max hp each time, u can spamm 2 before getting cooldowns, unless u already stacked 4 Death runes.
If you want to use as much vanilla gear as possible u could use everything with dodge/parry etc, but if u would like to use socketgear get all plate sockets except the mail hands + mail legs as u can get plate Specialization wich will boost ur hp alot as a blood DK, and also u get + avoidance from the plate ones and the armor.
about weapon u could use anyone from vanilla contents or ramparts, as im using most of the avoidance gear i found a 2x axe with dodge on, pretty sick stamina + strenght stats but the dps is awful, but who cares when ur only here for doing tank buisness.
What gems ? ill come to that, as they nerfed the talents with improved deathstrike the selfhealing got nerfed alot but its still worth going full stamina, chest enchant would be dodge, 15 stamina + minor run speed (8%) on boots, 40 stamina wrist 10 stamina shoulders + head and either 20 hit/ 2% threat + 10 parry gloves, 40 stamina+12 agility legs, Go for the 45 stamina trinkets within goblin engineer theyre awesome.
51 stamina gems from wotlk dragons eye is not possible anymore, u couldnt obtain the dalaran tokens from tiffany by handing in titanium powders anymore, so just go for full 30 stamina instead, that will do.
glyphs: I would use Glyph of blood boil, increases the range of it 50% wich will be awesome for finding rogues in stealth etc, or just aoe tanking Glyph of death strike is obvious, glyph of heart strike also, as my last major glyph im using glyph of rune tap wich healing the party for 5% of their maximum hp, thats not much but theres not any other good glyph whos useful for me atleast so i chosed that one, u got 2 minor aswell wich i have glyph of Raise ally, and glyph of resilient Grip.
Frost: i've tried frost and i do not recomend it that much since u dont got horn of winter, or obliterate etc. U could go full strenght and hope for the killing machine procs and doing 2.2k + crits from FS,
glyph of frost trike, glyph of icy touch most important glyphs in there.
Unholy: this specc rocks but its no burst in unholy, same gems in here (20 strenght)
I can't mention to much about these talents as i havent tried them too much, feel free to add something about frosty and unholy :S
anyway lads, the keyword in this thread was my version of a real Blood dk, as soon as the bgs working u will see the fun in being there.
The weakness of blood, is against casters, mage/shadowpriests and elemental shaman. And if protadins is good they can beat u aswell but ur pretty much farming everything else equal to their equipment.
Feel free to add something below,