Flag Carrying Restoration Druid. Rate please! :)

Although I do not really have any experience playing as a twink, I have decided to make a restoration flag carrier druid. I figure It will be rough at first, but there is more potential to grow. I'm a fast learner! :D

Anyways, I figured I would post my gear plan to see if there is anyway I can improve on it. All I did was filter gear on wowhead and pick our what I thought was the best. I definitely could have missed something. Don't be afraid to suggest gear from the other faction. I have no problem faction changing to get everything.

Random question, what race would make a better restoration flag carrier druid, Troll or Worgen?

Head: Lucky Fishing Hat

Neck: Thick Bronze Necklace

Shoulders: Preened Ironfeather Shoulders

Back: Ancient Bloodmoon Cloak (+5 all resistances)

Chest: Preened Ironfeather Breastplate (+100 health)

Wrist: Uninsured Bracers (+9 stamina)

Hands: Serpentis' Gloves (+16 spell power)

Waist: Vigorous Belt of the Moon

Legs: Ragefire Leggings (+16 armor)

Feet: Sandals of Sacrifice (+7 stamina)

Finger#1: Seal of Argas

Finger#2: Seal of Argas

Trinket#1: Arena Grand Master

Trinket#2: Arena Grand Master

Main Hand: Grand Staff of Jordan (+22 intellect)

There you go. Wish me luck and thank you for your time!!
I'd Change:
Sandals of Sacrifice ---> Spidersilk Boots
Uninsured Bracers ---> Bracers of the Ancient Grove
Serpentis's Gloves ---> Bristlebark Gloves
Boa Cloack ---> Stam satchel cloak
Moon belt ---> Tarantula Silk Sash (near impossible to get) or the 6agi 6 stam satchel belt

I don't use the boa chest, I prefer toughened leather armor. All those tiny stam increases with the gear swaps I listed are amplified in bear form, so they are worth it. Also, I would always use an inherited insignia whenever it isn't on cooldown instead of 2 agm's, trinking things like fear and sap are vital to not letting an enemy repick. And troll is imo the worst race for FC druid, I would go worgen or tauren.

use pvp leather boa shoulders

stam satchel cloak

tarantula silk sash/vigorious belt of the bandit

godfrey's britches/fine leather

spidersilk boots with minor speed, switch to a pair with 7 stam for when 4+ debuff

inherited insignia, use 2nd agm when insig is on cd
I'd Change:
Sandals of Sacrifice ---> Spidersilk Boots
Uninsured Bracers ---> Bracers of the Ancient Grove
Serpentis's Gloves ---> Bristlebark Gloves
Boa Cloack ---> Stam satchel cloak
Moon belt ---> Tarantula Silk Sash (near impossible to get) or the 6agi 6 stam satchel belt

I don't use the boa chest, I prefer toughened leather armor. All those tiny stam increases with the gear swaps I listed are amplified in bear form, so they are worth it. Also, I would always use an inherited insignia whenever it isn't on cooldown instead of 2 agm's, trinking things like fear and sap are vital to not letting an enemy repick. And troll is imo the worst race for FC druid, I would go worgen or tauren.

Agree with this, but I wouldn't agree with using Bristlebark over Serpentis. You only gain 1 armor, 1 stamina, and a small bit of dodge, while losing 4 int 4 spirit. I do have bristlebarks aswell, but I only use em when I am sure I have good healers and it doesn't make sense to go out of bear cus I would only take more damage than I can heal. Also slap +15 agi on the gloves for a few percent of extra dodge.

Toughened leather armor over BoA chest... Well, this is about preferance, I used to use toughened armor all the time when I was fcing, but due to the very low amount of healers no horde (Not seldom do I go through 5 back to back bgs without a single healer), I value self-healing a lot more. 6 int and 6 crit while sacrificing 3 stam sounds reasonable to me.

If you can't get tarantula silk sash, get either Vigorous belt of monkey, or of the bandit. This is again about preference, but I'd say use the bandit belt over monkey most of the time. 5 crit > 1 stam 1 agi imo.

Fine leather pants for fcing aswell. I might seem like a hypocrite saying pick 1 more stam over 1 int, 5 crit, but godfreys are cloth and fine leather pants are obviously leather, so you also get more armor which is always good.

IMO use Lasting Feralheart Spaulders over Ironfeather, just because 5 resilience is something you don't want to lose considering you only get it from a few items and it's quite effective with 5 resilience providing 2,78% reduced damage from all damage you take.

Also what Hurrx and Rejen said :)
PvP BoA Healing Mace (22 int) + Furbolg's Medicine Pouch over staff for fc

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