First Video: Duel vs Rngmonsterx aka Hypercranks aka éldx

Funny the way the haters have like 0-15 posts.

Wise up. Vapriest has done more in this bracket than you will ever do, please have a seat and enjoy the video.
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Funny the way the haters have like 0-15 posts.

Wise the fuck up. Vapriest has done more in this bracket than you will ever do, please have a seat and enjoy the video newfags.

Nothing against vap but if somone dosen't like this they have they right to express themselves.
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Nothing against vap but if somone dosen't like this they have they right to express themselves.

Exactly. Don't want criticism? Don't post it in the first place.

These threads nearly always end with the OP's friends trying to chop down any remotely negative comments, usually with abuse or slander to the critique. OR, people who don't like the OP will slander it and add some form of abuse because they don't like the person, not necessarily the content.

Reread...excercise in futility.
Happybunny recorded a few of me v ryans skrimish 1v1's...still waiting for those to come out some fucking sick duels
..Happybunny recorded a few of me v ryans skrimish 1v1's...still waiting for those to come out some fucking sick duels..ehm.. about those. my computer died (hard drive along with it) so... ehm.
how is someone this bad considered "bracket leader" (whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean)?

1. He is one of the good priests in this bracket.
2. It's bracket manager, not leader.
3. Even if he were bad, that doesn't mean he wouldn't be allowed to be a bracket manager. In order to be one (imo), you should be knowledgable about the bracket you are in, both gameplay-wise and community-wise. You should be active on TI. You should obey and apply the CoC in this forum.
4. If you have an issue with certain BM's/mods/bloggers, you should PM one of the administrators and explain your issue.
5. We are both going OT.

my mind is full of fuck

If you say so.

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