first tcg bought, big or small


Beats on Fourteens
just wondering u pplz first tcg items u got/bought.

I just bought a Landro's Lichling, which i only spent 1.3k for, its a cool lil pet.

Even though it's same skin as the blizz store lil kt, it has a different name, making it more unique

interested to see u guyz replies.
I bought a Tabard of Frost about a year or so ago to get a unique look. On ebay for ~$11
i won a tabard of my choice from TI shortly after i first joined. picked nature
threesets said:
just wondering u pplz first tcg items u got/bought.

I just bought a Landro's Lichling, which i only spent 1.3k for, its a cool lil pet.

Even though it's same skin as the blizz store lil kt, it has a different name, making it more unique

interested to see u guyz replies.

I have an epic tabard on each toon, along with Ogre Pinata, Tabard of Flame, Hippogryph Hatchling, Sandbox Tiger, Picnic Basket, Epic Purple Shirt, Bananas, Perpetual Purple Firework, Imp in a Ball & Footsteps of Illidan scattered in my toons

First ever was Tab of Frost

Used to sell tabards and others in BC with all the UDE points I had

Gravitor @ Elune - Game - World of Warcraft Observe my shirt and tabard :D
First one i ever bought was a Turtle for like 100$ back in the day, on my 19 priest when Dude wheres my kodo was the KING of reckoning.. But now most of my toons have tabard of the arcane.. Just bought Ownage flag, and Pinata from ebay both together for 50$.. fun as hell! NEXT IS SPECTRAL TIGER
The first one I bought was Bananas for 3000g. I went on to buy many more items for cheap from the guy (tabbards, Ogre trinket, etc.). I wish the guy was still around on my server but haven't seen him in over a year.

I made money for a while trading/selling WoW cards. I've pulled from packs at least one of every loot card, but only used the tabard on my main. All the UDE point cards I had was enough for me to get the blue tabards for the 150 or so players in my guild and still left me with enough to get a few of the Ogre and Fireworks trinket (had both on my 19 BE priest) which I sold. I made a good amount of money, but the games really dried up (aside from the loot cards), so it's difficult to make a decent living at it.

its depressing how much i spent :S i have had 3tabards of void, 2 of flame, about 5 of frost, and 1 of every other, then i have path of illidan, path of cenarious, party grenades and the spectral tiger rocking horde thingy. oh and that mount that used to have no level requirement. i loved little vanity items such as these on my twinks <3
i guess 1.3k for the pet wasnt that bad of a deal, neat pet even though has same skin as lil kt
First one I bought was tabard of frost I believe, then I had to have tabard of the void since my main is a warlock. Since then I've purchased 3 weather machines, 2 more tabards, goblin gumbo, disco ball, fireworks, path of Illidan, and lots of pet cookies....probably more that I've forgotten.
I personally love my weather machine, gumbo and disco ball. I use them often on my main....and I still wear my void tabard.
First one I bought was a riding turtle...

I regret everyday leveling my twink that has it.

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