First Premade!


Endless Faces did a premade at 7:30 PM and we were succesful! In the first 10 minutes the horde was up 2/3 and were 0/3 and everyone was getting scared! We capped one and we grabbed the second flag, we ran it all the way back to the base and the horde FC, Rejen was close to picking it up but was Hammer of Justiced by me. We capped and the score was 2/3 2/3. We just tryed to hold off with the flag for the last 3 minutes of the BG and we won with doing that.

Note: i had 4 ungeared players because this was just a random premade a guildy thought we could do because we had a good amount of members on. We versed a random group but plan on doing other guilds soon. Join us :)
Grats guys, I knew this day would come soon. But technically a premade is a battle previously arranged by two ten-man teams to fight one another. A group of guildies put in a battleground with random enemies is called good organization... Good organizing ;)
. We capped and the score was 2/3 2/3. We just tryed to hold off with the flag for the last 3 minutes of the BG and we won with doing that.

lololol, thats a draw in my mind :)

Oh and yeah that most certainly isnt a premade win if the other team is a PuG ><
Khanodruid said:
Grats guys, I knew this day would come soon. But technically a premade is a battle previously arranged by two ten-man teams to fight one another. A group of guildies put in a battleground with random enemies is called good organization... Good organizing ;)

They're running a premade vs a pug. That's the simplest way to put it.
every thread by you i have the mistfortune to come across makes me cringe
Detroit said:
Let the guy get excited ... sounds like he's having fun so GG man!

Yeah I'm not trying to take anything away from him, great group of guys I always enjoy playing with and talking to. And considering his new guild is fairly new it makes it even better how fast they got that to happen. But, to me personally, a Premade is a battle between two previously made teams. So I find it weird he called it a premade.
Khanodruid said:
Yeah I'm not trying to take anything away from him, great group of guys I always enjoy playing with and talking to. And considering his new guild is fairly new it makes it even better how fast they got that to happen. But, to me personally, a Premade is a battle between two previously made teams. So I find it weird he called it a premade.

I called it a premade due to the fact I didnt know what else to call it, ha.
A Premade is a team that is comprised of pre-selected players and join a battleground as a group.

I think where one could debate is over how many pre-selected players are required to call the entire group a Premade. Also , there should be a term for a Premade vs. Premade game - unless one already exists (e.g. Premade Match).

One last comment, your scoring syntax took me a while to figure out. Instead of 2/3 2/3, perhaps you could just say 2-2. I think you can assume your audience knows that WSG is a 3 point (max) game.
Scrounger said:
I think you can assume your audience knows that WSG is a 3 point (max) game.

Let's hope so. :p

Grats Endless Faces. Keep up the good work and you'll be at the pre-made v. pre-made level soon enough.

Pizza said:
They're running a premade vs a pug. That's the simplest way to put it.

Theres an active horde guild in EU that enjoys this, its funny when they lose agaisnt pugs ^^
Oh silly 19s. a PREMADE is what the OP said it is. It is queing with a group of ten (wsg) people, and going up vs. any other team be it random pug or another premade group. A 10vs10 premade or as I call them "legit premades" have never been really giving a name. The twinkers out there who think that twinking is the only point of the game would be so selfish and downright dumb to think that "premade" doesn't fit the context in witch the OP used it.

Premade - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft ...........................................................eeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr I hate single minded tinks

So grats to the OP on dumbly knowing what he was talking about untill he felt forced to explain himself to please the other ppl in this post.

And also grats to winning a hard fought battle in WSG. Playing vs pugs can be a very helpful way to become verbally organized and help learn simple things that help win 10v10s with other guilds.

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